The Jan. 1 compliance date for the new HIPAA 5010 standards is fast approaching. Take advantage of the following opportunities from CMS to help you get ahead of the mandate. On May 25, CMS is holding another "National Provider Call on Medicare FFS Implementation of HIPAA Version 5010 and D.0 Transactions." This call will cover "a HIPAA 5010 status update for Medicare Fee-For-Service, HETS Eligibility Transaction, Coordination of Benefits Contractor, and Medicaid," CMS says. "In addition, resources and guidance will be provided for 5010 testing and to help the audience through the transition to implementation." There will be time for questions and answers. New feature:
Your local MAC will have more information about the testing day soon, CMS promises. In the meantime, if you're ready to test your 5010 transactions, you can go ahead now. The testing day "does not preclude trading partners from testing transactions immediately with their MAC," the agency says. "Don't wait." The day just provides "the added benefit of real-time help desk support and direct and immediate access to MACs."
More information is at