CMS has added another specialty designation to your list, so when you submit claims you can identify the type of provider that performed a service. New specialty code 95 will apply to advanced diagnostic imaging (ADI) accreditation, effective July 1, 2011.
"Although CMS had previously designated this specialty code to the CAP drug vendor project, it will now be assigned to ADI accreditation," CMS said in Transmittal 2192.
To read the entire transmittal, visit
CMS announced a six-month delay to Round 2 of DME competitive bidding at the Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) meeting April 4. Round 1 of bidding went into effect Jan. 1 in nine metro areas.
Round 2 will expand the program to 91 metro areas. Under the delay, contract winners will be announced in Spring 2013 and the prices and contracts would start in the Summer of 2013.