• You'll have five lab services that you'll be able to report as "CLIA-waived," thanks to a Feb. 5 MLN Matters article on this topic. According to MLN Matters article MM6800, CMS will now consider these five tests CLIA-waived.
You'll have to append modifier QW (CLIA-waived test) to these codes, which include the following:
• Inverness Medical Innovations Signify ER Drug Screen (80101 or G0430)
• Germaine Laboratories AimStep Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test (iFOBT) (82274 or G0328)
• Siemens Clinitek 50 Urine Chemistry Analyzer (81003, 82044, or 82570)
• CLIA-waived inc Rapid Strep A Test (87880)
• Genzyme Diagnostics OSOM ImmunoDip Urinary Albumin Test (82044)
To read the full MLN Matters article, visit the CMS Web site at www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM6800.pdf.