" Practices that were holding out hope that CMS would change course on its virtual colonoscopy stance are out of luck.
On May 13, CMS issued a decision memorandum indicating that it will not cover screening computed tomography colonographies, which are better known as virtual colonoscopies.
CMS notes in its memo that theevidence is inadequate to conclude that CT colonography is an appropriate colorectal cancer screening test ... CT colonography for colorectal cancer remains noncovered.
Several professional associations announced their disagreement with the decision. Make no mistake: If let stand, this CMS decision not to pay for CT colonography will cost lives, noted James H. Thrall, MD, chair of the American College of Radiologys board of chancellors in a prepared statement.
To read the decision memorandum, visit www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/viewdecisionmemo.asp?id=220.