CMS introduced a number of new end-stage renal disease codes for 2004, G0308-G0327. With CCI 10.0, effective last January, a number of codes became components of these new codes. (See PBI, Vol. 4, No. 35).
New mutually exclusive edits in CCI 10.1 ensure that you won't bill for other services with HCPCS G0317 , G0318, G0319 and G0323, codes for adult ESRD services over a full month. These codes include four physician visits per month, two to three per month, one per month and none per month, respectively. The edits ensure you won't bill for ESRD services for someone over 20 and simultaneously claim the patient is also older, and that you won't claim these comprehensive codes alongside other comprehensive codes.
And new component edits make full-month codes G0308-G0323 into components of G0324-G0327, codes for services that don't last a full month.