2011 will be the last time ICD-9 is updated in entirety.
CMS has followed through on its proposal to update the ICD-9 code set one last time on Oct. 1, 2011, after which no ICD-9 codes will be added to the set except for those updates required for new technologies and diseases.
That's the word from the ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting, held on Sept. 15 and 16, where CMS's Pat Brooks explained the following process for ICD-9 and ICD-10 code updates:
Committee Mulls Additional ICD-9 Options for 2011
The ICD-9 Coordination and Maintenance Committee also considered several diagnosis code additions during its meeting.
For example, the Committee reviewed literature noting that codes 00.56 (Insertion/ replacement of implantable pressure sensor for intracardiac or great vessel hemodynamic monitoring) and 00.57 (Implantation or replacement of subcutaneous device for intracardiac or great vessel hemodynamic monitoring) do not accurately describe new technology that allows surgeons to implant only the sensor of such a device into the great vessel.
Therefore, the Committee recommended introducing new code 38.26 (Insertion of implantable wireless pressure sensor for intracardiac or great vessel hemodynamic monitoring), but until that code is finalized, coders should continue to use 00.56 and 00.57 for these services.
To read the entire handout from the ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting, visit www.cms.gov/ICD9ProviderDiagnosticCodes/03_meetings.asp and click on "Sept. 15-16, 2010 Meeting Documents."