Submit AWV claims on type of bill (TOB) 12X or 13X and you won't collect until April 4.
If you submitted claims for your practitioner's annual wellness visits (G0438 and G0439) but the check isn't yet in the mail, your claims are probably held up due to a Medicare processing glitch.
On March 11, CMS distributed an announcement that said, "Please note that current editing prevents the billing of G0438 and G0439 if they are the only services on the claim. Claims containing the Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) along with other services are processing but the AWV service is not being paid."
Until the problem is rectified, CMS instructed its MACs to hold all claims containing AWV codes G0438 and G0439 submitted on TOBs 12X (Hospital, inpatient [Medicare Part B only], Void/cancel of a prior abbreviated encounter submission) and 13X (Hospital, outpatient, void/cancel of a prior abbreviated encounter submission) with dates of service between Jan. 1 and April 3. The MACs will be ready to process your G0438 and G0439 claims "no later than Monday, April 4," CMS said in its announcement.