Outpatient Facility Coding Alert

Reader Question:

No-Go for Reporting Electively Canceled Procedure

Question: I know we shouldn’t report modifier 73 for elective cancellation of a procedure. How do we handle the situation?
Maine Subscriber

Answer: If a procedure is cancelled because the patient elected not to go forward, it does not qualify for modifier 73 (Discontinued outpatient hospital/ambulatory surgery center [ASC] procedure prior to the administration of anesthesia). You cannot report the surgery, as noted in the full descriptor for modifier 73: "The elective cancellation of a service prior to the administration of anesthesia and/or surgical preparation of the patient should not be reported."

Option: Check the patient’s chart to see if lab tests, X-rays, or other services were provided prior to the cancellation. If so, you can file a claim for that care.

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Outpatient Facility Coding Alert

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