Outpatient Facility Coding Alert

CPT® 2017 Update:
Soar To Success with These New Telehealth CPT® Codes In 2017
Get ready to report G0508 and G0509 for critical care Telehealth services offer hope ... Read more
Place of Service:
Are You Confident of Your POS 19 Coding Skills? Find Out
Know the coding nuances of POS 19 vs. 22. Reporting proper POS (Place of Service) code... Read more
Clear Up Your I&D Coding Confusion With These 2 Coding Scenarios
Know the specifics of superficial vs. complicated I&D. How confident are you when ... Read more
ICD-10 Coding Quiz:
Scale Your ICD-10 Knowledge with These Two Teasers
Keep your eyes open to differentiate streptococcal tonsillitis from sore throat. It&rs... Read more
Reader Question:
Is D12.4 Appropriate for A Descending Colon Polyp?
Question: Could you please advise the most appropriate code for a diagnosis for des... Read more
Reader Question:
Tread Carefully with This Gastric Biopsy Diagnosis
Question: The provider performs gastric biopsy to identify focal erosion and promin... Read more
Reader Question:
Scan the Documentation to Arrive At a Specific Conjunctivitis Code
Question: We have been successfully reporting H10.10 for conjunc­tivitis since ... Read more
Reader Question:
Be Careful of the HIPPA Risks of 'Social Engineering'
Question: What is “social engineering” and how can I protect myself fro... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Who Will Provide Moderate Sedation in 2017
Question: We need to report moderate sedation separately in 2017, according to the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Nail Down Selective Catheter Placement with 36224
Question: The provider performed selective catheterization of the right internal caro... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Distinguish When to Code a Diagnosis vs. a Symptom
Question: The provider documented the following results: “positive for UTI as... Read more
OPPS Final Rule:
Brush up on the Top OPPS Final Rule Updates
Site neutral payment to hit provider-based departments. The much awaited 2017 hospital... Read more
CPT® Update:
Sharpen Your Epidural Injection Coding With These New Codes In 2017
Rejoice with advent of 62320-62327— the injection/guidance combo CPT® codes. ... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Top 4 ICD-10 Coding Mistakes You Cannot Afford To Make
Don’t just correct, perfect your respiratory failure and seventh character coding.... Read more
Reader Question:
Clear Up the Confusion Regarding Using an Interpreter in an E/M Visit
Question: This is a question about coding an E/M visit. If the patient doesn’... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Forget the Modifiers While Coding For an Alcohol Monitoring Device
Question: How do we code for a rented Alcohol Monitoring Device? Are there any modi... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's How to Get Paid for Substance Abuse Treatment
Question: The provider treated a patient with substance abuse. His consultation cov... Read more
Reader Question:
Code It Right For Laryngitis
Question: The provider diagnoses a patient with sore throat as having laryngitis. H... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Forget To Upgrade To A92.5 for A Zika Diagnosis
Question: Our provider recently saw an expecting female patient complaining of head... Read more
Become an Expert in Coding Multiple Scopes
Have you mastered the art of applying the multiple scope rule yet? The basics: When y... Read more
HCPCS Update:
Rejoice Over New HCPCS Code for Abdominal Ultrasound
Plus: New drugs codes for hemophilia, asthma, arrhythmia and cancer Get ready to learn... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Are You Prepared to Withstand CMS's ICD-10 Expectations Post-Grace Period?
Be scrupulous with your code choices, and watch for expiring LCDs. Have you already be... Read more
Reader Question:
How Do You Code For a Probable Lung Abscess?
Question: The provider refers a patient, otherwise afebrile, with a vague chest pai... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember To Mention Laterality with Radiculitis Pain Management Codes
Question: A patient complains of severe low back radiculitis. The provider injected... Read more
Reader Question:
Code 10060 for Simple Drainage of Abscess
Question: The provider entered an abscess pocket and noticed the presence of pus. H... Read more
Reader Question:
Know How to Report Replacement of Pacemaker Multilead Battery
Question: The provider had to replace the pacemaker battery (multiple lead), as it ... Read more
Reader Question:
Focus On Voiding Trials with an Indwelling Urinary Catheter
Question: How do we code for those patients, who have an indwelling catheter in sit... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose 19301 and 19302 for Lumpectomy
Question: The provider performs lumpectomy to remove a suspicious lump in the patie... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Code It Right For Autologous Blood Transfusion
Question: What is the correct way to work out claims for outpatient autologous bloo... Read more
Ultrasound Guidance:
Foolproof Your Arthrocentesis Claims by Reporting Ultrasonic Guidance
Here’s why you should avoid using 76942 in certain situations Your coding for an... Read more
Radiation Therapy:
OIG to Weigh In On Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Payments
Know what is covered by IMRT planning code 77301. The OIG has decided to review Medica... Read more
Rejoice With Expanded Options for Malabsorption, Megacolon and IBS
Get ready for an overhaul of constipation codes, and more The 2017 update for the ICD-... Read more
Expect the Full MOON Roll Out by October 2016
Shell out $3285 as cost for providing MOON, and more. If you have been anxious about ... Read more
Reader Question:
Explore Your Options in Coding Breast Implants
Question: The provider performs subcutaneous mastectomy of the right breast, and in... Read more
Reader Question:
Know the Difference between Partial, Complete Lymphadenectomy
Question: The provider excises the superficial lymph nodes in the right armpit area... Read more
Reader Question:
Look For Infection While Reporting Wound Dehiscence
Question: What is the best strategy to get reimbursed for repair of wound dehiscenc... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Be Careful With Coding Incomplete Colonoscopies
Question: Our provider started the procedure with an intention of performing total ... Read more
OPPS Rule Comes with a $63 Billion Promise
Site neutral payment to hit provider-based departments The much awaited 2017 update ho... Read more
Get the Best Out of JW Modifier Coding with Proper Documentation
Make sure to document the “discarded drug” volume in patient records Targe... Read more
ICD-10 update:
Update Your Pulmonology ICD-10 Code Knowledge This October
Grab the mixed bag of new codes with respiratory system postprocedural hematomas, medias... Read more
Reader Question:
OIG to Analyze Salaries within Hospital Cost Reports
Question: We have heard that the OIG work plan has listed outpatient reimbursement ... Read more
Reader Question:
Ensure Accuracy in HIV Screening Reporting
Question: What are the points to keep in mind while reporting screening a Medicare-... Read more
Reader Question:
Wait for the Right Time to Use the New ICD-10
Question: Now that the new revised ICD-10 codeset has arrived, when are we supposed... Read more
Reader Question:
What MACRA Has In Store For You
Question: There is a news that MACRA may be delayed. What are the chances that this... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know the Correct POS for Off Campus Outpatient Service
Question: While billing for an outpatient service performed at an off campus outpat... Read more
Ophthalmology News:
Remove Your Foreign Bodies and Rust Rings With the Right Codes
Understand when – and when not – to report 65435. Removing a foreign corne... Read more
Modifier Update:
Remember These 5 Pointers Before Appending Modifier 25
Tip: It doesn’t automatically apply to all E/M services. Billing for both a pro... Read more
Prepare Now for 7 Sweeping Changes in ICD-10's Gastroenterology Codes
Proper documentation will help guide you to the most precise codes. The first officia... Read more
Reader Question:
Submit 'Unlisted' for Laser Destruction of Blood Clot
Question: Our doctor wants to use 52317 for laser of a blood clot and evacuation. W... Read more
Reader Question:
Focus on the Type Before Coding Sunburn Treatment
Question: Our physician treated a two-year-old patient with a bad sunburn. How do w... Read more
Reader Question:
Fix Cannulated Screw Fixation of a Triplane Fracture With 27827
Question: An elderly patient underwent cannulated screw fixation of a triplane frac... Read more
Reader Question:
Seize the Size to Code the Tumor Right
Question: If the physician documents removal of a tumor from the foot, how should I... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember to Use Eyelid Modifiers in Certain Cases
Question: The incisional biopsy of eyelid skin and lid margin is performed multiple... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Here's How to Stop Posterior Nasal Bleeding
Question: A patient with liver disease came to the emergency department. His nose h... Read more
Start Digging Into the Thousands of Updates Planned for ICD-10-CM 2017
Some of your biggest shifts will be in orthopedics. Although your new edition of ICD-1... Read more
Edit Update:
Good News: Some Shoulder Arthroscopy Edits Are About to Be Reversed
The change will take place in July. Arthroscopy procedures are commonplace in outpatie... Read more
Ask 'How Deep?' to Support Your Debridement Coding
That one answer could change your claim. Even experienced coders can sometimes get con... Read more
Reader Question:
Know When to Append 52 vs. 53
Question: Our gastroenterologist performed a diagnostic colonoscopy but was unable ... Read more
Reader Question:
Learn the Terms to Better Understand Epidurals
Question: Our physicians use several different terms when describing epidural stero... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier JW Will Help Make Up for Discarded Drugs
Question: Our pain management practice is losing quite a bit of money on discarded ... Read more
Reader Question:
Attempted EGD Can Justify Reporting Modifier 53
Question: The GI attempted an EGD on a patient with primary tongue carcinoma who ha... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Be Sure to Count Every Laminotomy
Question: How do we report if the surgeon takes a paramedian approach and does oste... Read more
GI Focus:
Endoscopic Injections Can Boost Your Pay - if You Code Correctly
Follow these do’s and don’ts to find success. Surgeons administer injectio... Read more
Test Yourself:
Does Your X-ray Coding Pass Muster With CMS?
This short quiz helps pinpoint your expertise. CMS keeps a close watch on every servic... Read more
Details Help You Specify the Right Diagnosis for Urine Infection
Take note: Clinical complications can make all the difference. Your diagnosis code cho... Read more
Test Yourself:
Does Your X-ray Coding Pass Muster With CMS?
Here are the answers to your quiz. How did you do with answering the x-ray scenarios?... Read more
Reader Question:
Know the Limitations of Colonoscopy Coding
Question: What are the conditions when colonoscopy cannot be billed separately? N... Read more
Reader Question:
Compare Services to Count Synovectomy Compartments
Question: Our physician completed a medial meniscectomy along with medial and later... Read more
Reader Question:
Nebulizer Usage Helps Determine Asthma Diagnosis
Question: How will you code asthma in ICD-10? Ohio Subscriber Answer: The ... Read more
Reader Question:
Get All the Details Before Choosing a Catheter Code
Question: Our surgeon inserted a non-tunneled catheter for a three-year-old patient... Read more
Reader Question:
Know the Dividing Lines for Abdominus Muscles
Question: I know that the rectus abdominis muscle doesn’t fall under either t... Read more
Reader Question:
Stay Away From 27096 for Outpatient Settings
Question: Do the codes for sacroiliac joint arthrography differ for outpatient and ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Dig Down to the Reason for Chronic Pain
Question: What is the difference between acute and chronic pain, from a coding pers... Read more
Coding Update:
Submit Your Claims With the Correct Place of Service
Get more specific with “on” and “off campus” codes to pinpoint t... Read more
Spine View:
Refine Your Vertebroplasty Billing with 22511
Use 22511 for all forms of imaging studies. Last year, CPT® added new code 22... Read more
ICD-10 Spotlight:
Heal Your Burn Woes with a Comprehensive Understanding of the Codes
Each of the seven characters defines the indication. Just as in ICD-9-CM, coding a bur... Read more
Urology Coding:
Take Note of This Global View on Renal Imaging
Focus on documentation for easy reporting of multiple uses. Physicians use renal ultra... Read more
Reader Question:
Base Your Code on Closure, Not Lesion Size
Question: Our dermatologist performed a melanoma excision followed by a layered clo... Read more
Reader Question:
Take a Note of the Gap Between High-Risk and Average-Risk Screenings
Question: We recently had a Medicare patient come to the office for a screening col... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Rhinoplasty Codes When Treating a Healed Fracture
Question: We submitted a claim with codes 21325 and 30520, but the payer denie... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know How to Report S-Codes with Meds, Nurse Visit and Pump Rentals
Question: How do we report S-codes for nurse visits with medicines coupled with pum... Read more
Coding Notes:
Time Alone Is Sufficient to Select a Counseling Level of Care
Watching the clock can make all the difference. Many factors go into selecting an E/M ... Read more
Dig Into Details - Including Laterality - to Wrap Up Foot Wound Coding
Multiple code options mean you need more specifics. You have many factors to consider ... Read more
Neurology News:
Glide Through This Guide for Coding Neurolytic Destruction
Start by understanding what neurolysis is. You have a range of CPT® codes in ... Read more
Reader Question:
Enter the Endosonoscope Through 43237 When Inserted Through Mouth
Question: The physician performed an endoscopic ultrasound examination (EUS) statin... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose 20600 or 20605 for Bursitis
Question: What is the injection administration code for a foot injection to treat b... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill Separately for Paratubal Cyst
Question: The physician performed a left salpingo-oophorectomy with drainage of rig... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know the New Codes 31652, 31653, 31654
Question: How do we bill with the new code 31652? Texas Subscriber Answer: ... Read more
ICD-10 Transition:
Breathe Easy, There Isn't Much Change in the New Coding System For Mammography
You don’t have to get confused with many options! One good thing about the trans... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Your Televideo Services With Q3014
Question: Is there any way we can bill a “site” code in addition to the... Read more
Reader Question:
More Than 3 Levels of Facet Joint Blocks Make Payment Difficult
Question: Our physician performed an epidural L5 nerve block and gave facet steroid... Read more
Reader Question:
Can 43235 and 43220 Be Bundled Together?
Question: The patient was admitted for a diagnostic EGD (43235). Preoperative diagn... Read more
Reader Question:
F01-F03 Codes Frame Your Dementia Choices
Question: How should we code dementia in ICD-10? Florida Subscriber Answer:&nbs... Read more
Reader Question:
Report 66982 Only for a Preexisting Condition
Question: Our ophthalmologist wants me to submit a claim for 66982, along with stre... Read more
Reader Question:
Opt for 64400 for a Mandibular Trigeminal Nerve Block
Question: Our surgeon recently reviewed a patient with masseter muscle hypertrophy ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know The Difference Between 90791 and 90792
Question: What is the difference between 90791 and 90792? Does 90792 reimburse at a... Read more
Procedure Focus:
Clip the Correct Modifier for Reporting Incomplete Colonoscopy
Plus: Don’t miss how reimbursement can change in 2016. In last month’s iss... Read more
ENT Spotlight:
Consider These Factors to Find Success with Tonsillectomy Claims
Pay attention to whether post-op bleeding is payable. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy ... Read more
Collar Carpal Tunnel Coding with the Correct Additional Character
Look to the tabular index for your best choice. When a patient suffers from carpal tun... Read more
Reader Question:
Change in Pain Can Merit Second E/M Visit Code
Question: An established patient with a history of left knee injuries reported to our ur... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Left from Right for Thumb Sprain Diagnosis
Question: One of our physicians recently saw a patient with gamekeeper’s thumb. Th... Read more
Reader Question:
Verify Depth and Surface Area for Wound Code Selection
Question: Our wound care specialist treated a patient with multiple extensive wounds req... Read more
Reader Question:
Get All the Details Before Appending Modifier 53
Question: One of our patients was scheduled for paracentesis but it was cancelled after ... Read more
Reader Question:
Double Check Before Coding 40810 With 40820
Question: Our oral surgeon used surgical excision to remove a lesion from the vestibule ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Beware of Difference Between Bone Excision and Osteotomy
Question: The orthopedist completed an extra ray excision and osteotomy of the patient&r... Read more
Available Years:  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012