Otolaryngology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Don't Overlook "Separate Procedure" Lingo

Question: I have a clinic where the ENTs are claiming 92504 and 69210 should not be bundled. I remember one of the AAPC webinars had information stating that 92504 and 69210 were bundled procedures. However, I cannot find that information anywhere online. Would you be able to help direct me into the correct place for this information?

Misourri Subscriber


Answer: Code 92504 (Binocular microscopy [separate diagnostic procedure]) and 69210 (Removal impacted cerumen [separate procedure], 1 or both ears) are both “separate procedures,” according to AMA CPT®. Notice how they both include that terminology in their descriptors.

As such, you can’t bill either code with another procedure in the same anatomic area. For more information, look up “Separate Procedures” in your CPT® manual.