Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Understand How to Tally Supply Codes

Question: I’m very confused about the “J” codes that apply to allergy services. How many units of J7620 (Albuterol, up to 2.5 mg and ipratropium bromide, up to 0.5 mg, FDA-approved final product, non-compounded, administered through DME) should we report? It’s labeled as 2.5mg/3ml.

Texas Subscriber

Answer: The answer depends on how many units you use. If you’re injecting 2.5 mg of albuterol, you should report one unit of J7620. But if the physician uses 5 mg, you’ll report two units. Base your coding on the amount of medication actually administered.

In addition, don’t forget to report the procedure code for the actual injection. That will allow you to collect for both the service and the supplies.