Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

S Codes Are Not for Medicare Use

Question: I recently heard the code S2342, which has the same description as 31237. Should I be using the S code instead? What exactly is an S code and when should I use them?Hawaii SubscriberAnswer: S codes are temporary third level HCPCS codes and are not recognized by Medicare.Coders should continue to use 31237 (Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surgical; with biopsy, polypectomy or debridement [separate procedure]), not S2342 (Nasal endoscopy for post-operative debridement following functional endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal and/or sinus cavity[s], unilateral or bilateral).Warning: Use an S code only if you have specific instructions from your payer. Remember, you code according to CPT and should use temporary codes to the specific payers based on your contracts and payer instructions.There are some payers, in particular some BCBS payers who do process S2342 for post FESS debridements. If you are having trouble getting those debridements paid, with a private payer, you may want [...]
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert

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