Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Put 69610 First: Here's Why

Question: My physician evaluated the patient's right ear and cleared the canal of all cerumen. The tympanic membrane was visualized and had retained a tube. He removed a tube in the anterior superior aspect of the eardrum with a Rosen needle. He removed an epithelial callus around the tube site with a Rosen needle. Ciprodex was applied. A paper patch was then placed in an overlay technique and positioned using the operative microscope. Then the Physician went to the left ear and removed some dry debris. He removed an extruded tube. There was no perforation in situ. He debrided the canal and applied Ciprodex. How do I code this? Answer: First, code the more complex procedure with 69610-RT (Tympanic membrane repair, with or without site preparation of perforation for closure, with or without patch; Right side). Cancel these options: You cannot code for the binocular microscope (92504, Binocular microscopy [separate [...]
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