Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

69200 Answers Office Removal of Ventilation Tubes Question

Question: How do I code for the removal of ventilation tubes when performed in the office setting? Answer: When a physician removes ventilation tubes in the office, you should use the appropriate E/M code (99201-99215, Office or other outpatient visit ...). You won't find any CPT code for this service because removal of ventilation tubes in the office setting does not meet the criteria of a foreign body removal. Therefore, 69200 (Removal foreign body from external auditory canal, without general anesthesia) does not apply. If you remove a tube on the same date of service as a ear repair (69610, Tympanic membrane repair, with or without site preparation of perforation for closure, with or without patch), report only the repair code. This is because removal of the tube is part of the repair service. This is reflected in the higher value of the repair. If the physician doesn't perform any [...]
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