Otolaryngology Coding Alert


3 Options for Coding Baha Implant

Question: Our patient had a tonsillectomy with a 90-day global period on Oct. 12, 2009, and then we performed a Baha cochlear implant for her on Dec. 29, 2009. How do we code for a Baha implant, and should we report it with modifier 78 or 79, or both? Minnesota Subscriber Answer: When reporting the Baha implantation, you would need to know whether the procedure involved a mastoidectomy and then choose from one of the following codes: • 69714 -- Implantation, osseointegrated implant, temporal bone, with percutaneous attachment to external speech processor/cochlear stimulator; without mastoidectomy • 69715 -- Implantation, osseointegrated implant,...with mastoidectomy. If the procedure requires a longer abutment, you could report it with the appropriate unlisted procedure code: • 69399 -- Unlisted procedure, external ear. When you use an unlisted procedure code such as this one, you must submit a special report to the payer that details the procedure. You would append [...]
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