Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Understand the Split/Shared Definition Update

Question: What’s the latest on CMS revising the definition of “substantive portion” for split/shared evaluation and management (E/M) visits?

Virginia Subscriber

Answer: The calendar year (CY) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) final rule contains one of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) most awaited rulings — its definition of split/shared visits and the additional decision to implement that definition beginning Jan. 1, 2024. Much to the relief of all that bill services to both Medicare and private payers, CMS has at last decided to finalize its definition to make the “substantive portion” of a split/shared visit “align … with the CPT® E/M guidelines for this service.” The final rule adds, “These guidelines should be applied to determine whether the physician or [nonphysician practitioner] NPP may bill for the service.”

Per CPT®, this means “if code selection is based on total time on the date of the encounter, the service is reported by the professional who spent the majority of the face-to-face or non-face-to-face time performing the service.”

Applying the substantive portion guidelines to code selection based on medical decision making (MDM) is a little trickier. Again, per CPT®, “performance of a substantive part of the MDM requires that the “physician or other [qualified healthcare professional] QHP … has performed two of the three elements used in the selection of the code level based on MDM.” This is usually satisfied when the physician or QHP has “made or approved the management plan for the number and complexity of problems addressed at the encounter and takes responsibility for that plan with its inherent risk of complications and/or morbidity or mortality of patient management.”

If the physician or other QHP uses the amount and/or complexity of data element as one of the elements to determine the MDM level for the reported code level, however, CPT® requires that “an independent interpretation of tests and discussion of management plan or test interpretation must be personally performed by the physician or other QHP.” Even so, “assessing an independent historian’s narrative and the ordering or review of tests or documents do not have to be personally performed by the physician or other QHP, because the relevant items would be considered in formulating the management plan,” per CPT®.

Analysis: So, it appears at this time, “if the physician is able to meet the level for the code selected with two of the three columns of MDM, the physician will bill the service under their provider number even if the QHP/NPP is also able to meet the MDM level for the code selected with two of the three columns of MDM. There will be scenarios where documentation may be unclear who performed which component of the MDM. So, documentation clarity will be of utmost importance when two providers are rendering and documenting the visit,” according to Lori Carlin, CPC, COC, CPCO, CRC, CCS, principal at Pinnacle Enterprise Risk Consulting Services.