Florida Subscriber
Answer: You should report the cautery (42960, Control oropharyngeal hemorrhage, primary or secondary [e.g., post-tonsillectomy]; simple) without a modifier. Because your otolaryngologist didn't perform the tonsillectomy (such as 42825, Tonsillectomy, primary or secondary; under age 12), no surgical package exists and no modifier is necessary.
Only the otolaryngologist who performed the tonsillectomy (such as 42825, Tonsillectomy, primary or secondary; under age 12) would need to use modifier -79 (Unrelated procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period) to break the 90-day global period of 42825-42826. Because, in this case, the cautery would be related to the tonsillectomy that the surgeon performed, the surgical package includes the postoperative care.