Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Acoustic Reflex Testing

Question: Our local Medicare carrier is denying CPT 92568 as inclusive in 92569, although CPT shows it as a separate code and procedure. How can I effectively get paid for both procedures?

Virginia Subscriber

Answer: According to the 2000 CPT manual and current Medicare guidelines, codes 92568 (acoustic reflex testing) and 92569 (acoustic reflex decay test) are not bundled services, says Emily Hill, PA, CPC, a coding and reimbursement specialist in Wilmington, N.C., and a member of the American Medical Associations (AMAs) relative value unit (RVU) Committee, Correct Coding Policy Committee and CPT-5 Project.

Because the carrier is denying payment stating that 92568 is included in 92569, it has developed its own particular coding combinations. It would not be unreasonable to ask for a detailed explanation of the carriers decision to bundle the two codes, since CPT and the national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) have not done so.

Denial of these claims definitely should be appealed, Hill says. To support that two separate and distinct procedures were performed, the medical record documentation should be sent to the carrier. Hill also recommends that copies of CPT rules and the CCI should be included with the documentation, and adds that it also may help to contact the appropriate specialty society to find out if any policies or statements regarding the use of these two codes have been issued.

Still, the carrier may not alter its position. Hill suggests that one of the two procedures be billed with modifier -59 (distinct procedural service) to indicate that the procedure/service was distinct and independent from the other service performed on the same day. But this, too, does not guarantee payment from all carriers.