Otolaryngology Coding Alert

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CMS Slashes 2011 Conversion Factor and Wreaks Havoc on Your Pay

Plus: Learn two new HCPCS codes if your physician performs wellness visits.Get ready for another year of nail-biting to find out whether your Medicare payments will be slashed. "The calendar year 2011 Physician Fee Schedule conversion factor is $25.5217," notes the 2011 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule, printed in the Federal Register that will be published on Nov. 29. This amounts to a dismal 30 percent cut compared to the current rate of $36.8729."While Congress has provided temporary relief from these reductions every year since 2003, a long-term solution is critical," CMS notes. "We are committed to permanently reforming the Medicare payment formula."As you know, last June, Congress voted to not only stave off a 21 percent cut to your Medicare pay, but to increase your revenue by 2.2 percent. However, that vote only kept the cuts at bay through November 30. Now, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill [...]
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