Otolaryngology Coding Alert


Blom-Singer Prosthesis; Graft and Tympanoplasty

 You Be the Coder: Blom-Singer Prosthesis, appearing in Otolaryngology Coding Alert  January 2002, notes that L8505 (Artificial larynx replacement battery/accessory, any type) should be used for patients who bring their own prosthesis for replacement. In fact, L8505 does not apply in these situations. L8507 (Tracheo-esophageal voice prosthesis, patient inserted, any type, each) is the correct supply code when the provider inserts a new prosthesis. No HCPCS supply code should be used if the existing prosthesis is merely put back in position, because a new prosthesis was not provided. Note that some Medicare carriers now instruct providers not to bill for the evaluation for use and/or fitting of the prosthesis using 92597 (Evaluation for use and/or fitting of voice prosthetic or augmentative/alternative communication device to supplement oral speech).
Graft and Tympanoplasty, also appearing in Otolaryngology Coding Alert January 2002, notes that 15770 (Graft; composite [e.g., full thickness of external ear or nasal ala], including primary closure, donor area; derma-fat-fascia) should be used when harvesting fascia from the other ear. In fact, 20926 (Tissue grafts, other [e.g., paratenon, fat, dermis]) is the correct code. Code 15770 is inappropriate because it includes placement of the graft, which is already included in the tympanoplasty. Code 20926 is used to report harvesting the graft only.