Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Coding Rules:

Code Preauricular Cyst Excision Using 3 Closure Rules

You'll sometimes use one skin code -- and other times two. Since no site-specific code exists for preauricular cyst removal and repair, you have to identify the procedure's type of closure -- or you could overlook capturing a second integumentary code. To home in on the appropriate code(s), look at whether the surgery involves excision with simple, layer, or complex closure, or a more complex closure accomplished with a tissue transfer or rearrangement. Then, code the preauricular cyst claim using these rules: Excision: For preauricular cysts that involve simple closure, use the excision benign lesions of face codes (11440-11446). Complex closure: If the surgeon uses a layer (12041-12057) or complex closure (13131-+13133), code both the closure and the benign lesion excision, and report the procedure with more relative value units (RVUs) first. More complex closure: If the closure is some type of tissue transfer, then code the closure [14040-14041. The flap includes [...]
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