Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Case Study:

This 5-Part Lesson Enhances Your Mouth Lesion Removal Coding Smarts

Coding for excision of additional margins is possible, but a good explanation is required.Without spot-on knowledge of neoplasm coding, you could confuse payers by selecting the wrong code and see deserved reimbursement go up in smoke. Below is a cheek neoplasm case to sharpen your diagnosis and procedure coding skills. Review the op note, decide how to code it, and then match your responses to our coding experts'.Examine Multiple Lesions, Graft Reconstruction Pre- and post-operative diagnoses: (1) Verruciform leukoplakia with moderate dysplasia of the left buccal mucosa, R/O (rule out) SCCA (squamous cell carcinoma) and (2) leukoplakia of the  right buccal mucosa.Indication: The patient is a 68-year-old male with a seven-month history of a left buccal lesion that was biopsied and confirmed as moderate dysplasia, which could not rule out well-differentiated SCCA. The lesion appears within a patch of verruciformappearing leukoplakia. Additionally, he has an area of benignappearing leukoplakia on [...]
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