Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Case Study:

Check Your HPI, Risk IQ With Decision for Fracture Txt

Hint: Your ENT's recs are the ones to count under mgt options.When a patient has an E/M in which your ENT recommends the patient undergo a major surgery subject to a PCP preop exam, don't scratch your head over the applicable table of risk selections " focus on your doc's role.Test your major versus emergency surgery savvy and who gets the credit for surgical recommendations with this case.A 45-year-old patient fell from a ladder (E881.0), hit a fence on the way down, and fractured his nose (802.x). My otolaryngologist evaluated the patient's nose and scheduled the patient for surgery for an open reduction of the nasal fracture (21325, Open treatment of nasal fracture; uncomplicated). Although the patient has no known risk factors, the ENT requested a preoperative clearance exam from the patient's family physician due to the patient's head injury incurred during the fall. The ENT takes the patient into [...]
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