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Otolaryngology Coding Alert
Otolaryngology Coding Alert
Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 12
Surgery Coding:
Focus on Procedure Type, Date of Surgery with Modifier 57
Identify all the key components for proper use of modifier 57. Sometimes, a physician may...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Practice Makes Perfect: Work Out these Tricky ICD-10 Scenarios
Fall back on ICD-10-CM guidelines when the going gets tough. No coder is expected to full...
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Test Your Modifier 25 Knowledge with these Examples
Know what circumstances do and don't warrant 25 use. Even the most seasoned coders will a...
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Reader Question:
Include Appropriate Documentation, Justification with Modifier 22
Question: We submitted a claim with modifier 22 because the surgeon spent an extra 50 minu...
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Reader Question:
Refer to Appendix P for Telemedicine Codes
Question: How do I know which evaluation and management (E/M) codes are eligible for use a...
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You Be the Coder:
Determine Sialolithotomy Complexity Using these Factors
Question: The surgeon performed a sub-mandibular sialolithotomy to remove multiple stones ...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 11
CPT® Training:
Begin Preps Now for New 2018 CPT® Codes
Rely on this comprehensive list of all new otolaryngology CPT® changes. As all experienc...
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Preventive Measures:
Know These Rules on Coding Obesity Screening, Counseling Measures
Consider obesity screening measures in these circumstances. Otolaryngologists, like most ...
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ICD-10 Training:
Master the Art of ENT Neoplasm Diagnosis Coding
Utilize these two examples to boost your diagnostic coding skills. Coding neoplasms of th...
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Reader Question:
Don't Assume Allergic Origin without Documentation
Question: A patient presents with acute otitis media of the left ear and an unspecifi...
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Reader Question:
Factor in All of these Elements to Reach Extended HPI
Question: The patient complains of a sore throat for the past three weeks. It is usua...
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Reader Question:
Determine Appropriate Use of Technical, Professional Component
Question: Sometimes our provider will perform a computerized tomography (CT) maxillof...
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You Be the Coder:
Code Unspecified for Mass of Nasal Cavity
Question: A patient is seen by the provider for a surgical consult to remove a nasal ...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 10
Use These Tips to Avoid Allergy Coding Traps
Don't make allergy diagnosis coding more difficult than it has to be. Diagnoses involving...
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CPT® Coding:
Know Your Anatomy, Distinguish Between these I&D Codes
Specificity is key when so many codes cover such a small anatomical area. When it comes t...
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Rely on this Advice to Steer ABN Coding
Enhance your understanding of the ABN process by utilizing these FAQs. Putting a system i...
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Reader Question:
Distinguish Between Various Degrees of Asthma Severity
Question: How do I distinguish between mild, moderate, and severe persistent asthma d...
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Reader Question:
Focus on Style of Incision to Discern Between 41010 and 41520
Question: I'm having trouble distinguishing between codes 41010 and 41520. In what ci...
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You Be the Coder:
Know the Difference Between Destruction and Excision Codes
Question: A patient presented with a left ear canal 9 cm vascular lesion. After debri...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 9
Know the Ins and Outs of the ABN Billing Process
Use medical necessity and denial history as a gauge when issuing ABNs. Depending your deg...
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CPT® Coding:
Consider Medicare Guidelines, Medical Necessity when Coding Rhinoplasties
Take each of these factors into account to simplify the coding and billing process. Speak...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Catch Up on these New and Revised ICD-10 Changes
Begin preparations now to hit the ground running on Oct. 1. Oct., 2017 will bring about a...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Modifier 50 on Laryngoscopies with Laser Lesion Removal
Question: Our physician performed a flexible laryngoscopy with laser removal and biop...
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Reader Question:
Check Global Period for these Debridement Procedures
Question: A patient returns to the doctor’s office for a debridement of a tympa...
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You Be the Coder:
Be Cognizant of Rules Surrounding E/M Visits, 69210
Question: Can I bill for 69210 with an evaluation and management (E/M) visit if the p...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 8
Coding Compliance:
Myth Busting: When to Bypass NCCI
Sometimes there’s more to bundling than just CCI edits. Many coders see the Nationa...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Cut Down on Denials, Cross Reference Unspecified Codes
Know beforehand which codes will and won’t be paid. Hindsight is always 20-20 when ...
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CPT® Coding:
Follow These 2 Steps to Secure Reimbursement on Unlisted Codes
Rely on this expert advice to help take the stress out of billing unlisted. Last month, y...
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Reader Question:
Don't Worry About Global Periods for Most FESS Procedures
Question: A patient had a functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) six days ago. Th...
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Reader Question:
Remember When to Bundle 60500 into 60240
Question: My insurance company always bundles 60500 into 60240. If the physician perf...
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Reader Question:
Consider Practicality, Chances of Success Before Appealing
Question: My provider follows by a philosophy that we should appeal all denials, rega...
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You Be the Coder:
Use Caution with Modifier 59 for Nasopharyngeal Excisions and Biopsies
Question: Using an adenoid curette instrument, a benign neoplasm is excised from the ...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 7
CPT® Coding:
Go Unlisted in These 2 Scenarios
Know when an unlisted code is the best option. In numerous specialties, there is a genera...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Coding Sinusitis: Not as Simple as Chronic vs. Acute
Take other factors into consideration when coding sinusitis. Common sense might suggest t...
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Check Out this Example of Proper Non-Indexable Disease Coding
For this salivary gland disease, follow these Dx coding rules. It’s fair to say tha...
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Reader Question:
Consider Pharyngeal Approaches to Eustachian Tube Dilations
Question: Our surgeon wants to code a pharyngoplasty, but I’m unsure as to whet...
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Reader Question:
Report 1 Code for Tonsillectomy, Revision Adenoidectomy Combos
Question: We have a 5-year-old patient who received a tonsillectomy with a revision a...
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Reader Question:
Use 3-Month Timeframe When Coding Chronic Sore Throat
Question: A patient has come in with a sore throat for the past seven days. Would thi...
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Reader Question:
Rely on Crosswalk for Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage Code
Question: What is the appropriate code for post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage? Pennsylvan...
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You Be the Coder:
Correctly Code Multiple Sinus Endoscopies
Question: A patient presents to the department for a functional endoscopic sinus surg...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 6
MIPS Measures:
Keep In-Sync with Current MIPS Guidelines
Save yourself the hassle (and money) by making sure your practice is compliant with curren...
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Putting MIPS to the Test
We’ve provided these 6 ENT-specific measures that your practice can utilize to keep ...
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Procedure Coding:
Decode Draf Drainage Procedures
Here’s everything you need to know about Draf sinus procedures. If a patient suffer...
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Abide By These Rules When Coding Foreign Bodies
Know when to apply these secondary codes. Foreign bodies (FBs) entering through one of th...
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Reader Question:
Bundle Radical Dissections, Resections Based on Documentation
Question: The physician performed a modified radical neck dissection (38724) in addit...
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Reader Question:
Sometimes, Two Words Make All The Difference In Descriptors
Question: Our physician performed a right submucosal resection of the inferior turbin...
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Reader Question:
Use ICD-10 Index, Reach Correct Thyroid Dx
Question: A patient diagnosed with hyperthyroidism was found to have an additional si...
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You Be the Coder:
Compare and Contrast Two Kinds of Radical Neck Dissection
Question: How would you code a laryngectomy with bilateral modified radical neck diss...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 5
Procedure Coding:
Listen Up: Report Ear Drainage, FBR with Specific Codes
Here’s why the standard FBR codes don’t work for ear procedures. Coders at ot...
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E/M Coding:
NGS Set to Increase Some Exam Demands
Detailed exams are about to level up. Recently, the Medicare Administrator Contractor (MA...
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Ask an Expert:
Use Modifiers XP, XU Only in Specific Situations
Here’s why your use of these modifiers will be rare. While CPT® still has modif...
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Reader Question:
Look to These Codes on Neck Dissections
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient reports to the otolaryngologist for...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Medicare's Ire by Obeying Stark Laws
Question: I overheard one of our nonphysician practitioners (NPPs) tell a coder that someo...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Allergy/Sinus Testing
Question: A primary care physician (PCP) referred a patient to our otolaryngologist f...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 4
Procedure Coding:
Mind Patient's Age, Procedure's Locale on Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Claims
Know the age cutoff for these surgical codes. When your otolaryngologist performs a tonsi...
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Shared Services:
Use This Guide to Ferret Out Shared Visit, Incident-to Opportunities
Remember, incident-to requires an established plan of care. When a physician and a nonph...
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E/M Coding:
Get to Know PFSH to Beef Up Your History Coding Smarts
You’ll choose between two kinds of PFSH for each E/M. Coders that find a challenge ...
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Reader Question:
Leave Lavage off Endoscopy Claim
Question: Our otolaryngologist recently performed a sinus endoscopy, during which she...
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Reader Question:
Check Appendix P for Telemedicine Coding Guidance
Question: Is there a list of codes that are eligible for use with telemedicine servic...
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You Be the Coder:
Reporting Caloric Vestibular Tests
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the otolaryngologist performed a bithermal ca...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 3
Procedure Coding:
Opt for 1 of 3 Coding Choices on Earwax Removal
Here’s who CPT® designed the new 69209 code for. A patient reports to the otola...
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Study Code Descriptors to Arrive at Modifier 50 Decision
‘Bilateral’ in descriptor means modifier 50’s a no-no. At times, an oto...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Check Payer Policy for Acceptable Ethmoidectomy Dx
Experts: Some payers have specific set of ICD-10s that allow for ethmoidectomy. When it c...
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Reader Question:
Get Accurate Test Count on ENG Claims
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the otolaryngologist performed an electronyst...
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Reader Question:
Warn Physicians Off 'Automatic' E/M Coding
Question: I am having an issue with one of our physicians who wants to report almost ...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Laryngeal Botox Injections
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the otolaryngologist performed a direct laryn...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 2
Procedure Coding:
Mind Method, Area on Ethmoidectomies
Use this FAQ to Keep ethmoidectomy types separate. When your otolaryngologist perform...
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Ask an Expert:
Check Out These Cases to Master X Modifiers
Some payers still want modifier 59, but others will crave specificity. In 2015, Medica...
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E/M Coding:
Code Prolonged Services After Discovering the Provider
CPT® has different codes for different ‘clinical staff.’ If your otola...
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Reader Question:
Use These Pointers, Ace Locum Tenens Claims
Question: Our otolaryngology practice recently hired a locum tenens (LT) physician ...
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Reader Question:
Consider Oral Pain Med Part of E/M
Question: When one of our providers administers oral pain medication such as acetam...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding for Tympanostomy, Tube Removal
Question: How should we code for in-office insertion of ventilating ear tubes (tymp...
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Otolaryngology Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 19, Number 1
ICD-10 Coding:
Spot Different Rhinitis Types with These Dx Tips
Use chronic codes for patients with rhinitis for 12-plus weeks. Otolaryngology practic...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Use 1 More Code to Finish Some Rhinitis Diagnoses
Chronic rhinitis patient? Check tobacco exposure level. When you are choosing the corr...
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Choose From 59/X After Separating Procedures
Payer preference still drives 59/X decision. Coders confronted with claims in which th...
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Reader Question:
Note Insurer to Keep HPI Counts on Point
Question: An established patient reports to the otolaryngologist with a chief compl...
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Reader Question:
Find Face-to-Face Evidence Before Coding 99217
Question: The otolaryngologist meets an established patient at the hospital with sy...
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Reader Question:
Get Specific with Pharyngitis Code Choice
Question: When our otolaryngologist diagnoses acute pharyngitis, how should I choos...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding E/M with Earwax Removal
Question: I have been looking at the earwax removal code 69209 (Removal impacted ce...
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Available Years: