Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Labyrinthotomy Coding:
2 Clues Shed Light On Labyrinthotomy Coding Revisions in 2011
Bill 69801 more than once per day, and you'd be throwing away a potential $202 pay. Having... Read more
CPT® 2012:
Don't Overlook These 2012 Observation Care Coding Updates
Additional time guides will supplement 99218-99220 descriptors beginning Jan. 1.If you're ... Read more
CPT® 2012:
Is Your Audiologist Performing OAE Testing? Check Out New Code
Find out why this isn't all good news.Reserve a place for a few changes in 2012 if your pr... Read more
Shift To H81.09 For Ménière's Disease in 2013
The ICD-10 code for hearing loss will retain its old descriptor.When a patient suffers fro... Read more
Reader Question:
Supersede 31231, 31575 Edits With Modifier 59
Question: What is the correct way to code for nasal endoscopy and laryngoscopy procedure... Read more
Reader Question:
Ear Tube Insertion: Stick To Reason For Surgery When Reporting Follow-Up Exams
Question: If a pressure equalizing tube is not considered a foreign body , what is the cor... Read more
Reader Question:
Implant Unlisted Code Applicability For Cochlear Device Removal
Question: What CPT® code applies to cochlear device explants/implant surgery? I'm ge... Read more
Reader Question:
Dodge Jail Time By Following Incident To Billing Rules
Question: Can we bill under the physician even if she's not in the office when the speech ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use 'Reconsideration' Step When Appealing 31575's LCD Deficiencies
Question: I have received numerous denials of medical necessity on fiberoptic laryngoscopy... Read more
Vestibular Testing Quiz:
Quick Quiz: Reporting 92540 For Standard VNG Testing? CPT® Says Not So Fast
Remember these essential rules of thumb or your claim could cost you. Expect to have probl... Read more
Endoscopy Procedures:
31231, 92511 and 31575: Weigh Your Code Selection Options Based On Complaints
2 tips make all the difference in your reimbursement for these services. When an ENT ... Read more
Retain Code Function For ICD-10 H81.09 As 386.00
Consider: The code also applies to endolymphatic and labyrinthine hydrops.A vestibular fun... Read more
Vestibular Evaluation Solutions:
Recognize These Key Components And Ace Your Vestibular Evaluation Coding Claims
Call on 92540 when you should describe a test combo.If you've been confused as to whether ... Read more
Evaluation and Management:
Reconsider Reporting Over-the-Phone Consults For Medicare Patients
Advantage: Telehealth services are classifiable by time.When billing for patient consultat... Read more
Reader Question:
Fight For The Right To Report 95117, 95024 Separately
Question: The payer denied our claim for CPT 95117 and 95024 on the basis of CCI edits, b... Read more
Reader Question:
Tip: No Modifier Will Bypass 95920/42415 Edits
Question: I got a denial from an HMO stating that 42415 includes 95920. What is the rule o... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier 59 To Represent A Different Session Or Patient Encounter
Question: The physician saw a patient, who had chicken bone stuck in his throat in the ER ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Make Or Break With Surgery Modifiers 58, 78, 79
Question: A patient has septoplasty and turbinate surgery. Three weeks after the surgery, ... Read more
Diagnosis coding:
Fungal Sinusitis: 2 Sure-Fire Coding Formulas That Work
Your only two concerns should be manifestation and type of fungus. Though uncommon, some s... Read more
B35-B49: Set Your Mycoses ICD-10 Coding Straight
B35-B49: Set Your Mycoses ICD-10 Coding Straight Alphanumeric code B44.9 will replace ICD-... Read more
Surgical Procedure:
Find Your Way Through The Maze of Sphenopalatine Artery Ligation Coding
Make the most of surgical procedure modifiers when hunting for the right code.Where conser... Read more
Two Surgeons, One Procedure, Distinct Portions: Modifier 62 Provides Your Solution
Fail to report the same CPT®, modifier for both surgeons, and you waste $2K.Don't me... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill Out Clinic Set Up Using Two Locations
Question: Our otolaryngologist has partnered up with another physician in an out clinic se... Read more
Reader Question:
Who Can Supervise Allergy Shots?
Question: Can a nurse give an allergy shot to a Medicare patient if the doctor is out of t... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Go Beyond What The Procedure Describes
Question: A patient came in for biopsy of a mandibular cyst, but the doctor didn't find an... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Expect Neuro Monitoring To Be Billable
Question: What diagnosis should I use when the physician performed 42415, and the assistin... Read more
Reader Question:
30903: Invoke The Multiple Procedure Rule
Question: Our ENT performed a diagnostic endsocopy in the morning and epistaxis control in... Read more
Reader Question:
DME Excludes Voice Prosthesis
Question: Our physician replaced the voice prosthesis for a patient. We ordered the prosth... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Dismiss 20670 As Always Part Of Primary Procedure
Question: My physician performed 21470 on a patient. After a month, it was time to remove ... Read more
CCI Edits 17.2:
Expect Changes To Affect Your Allograft, Excision, Repair Coding
Get updated with the latest 25 ME and 93 NME bundles.Do you have to commonly report excisi... Read more
Evaluation and Management Services:
Set Your Policies Straight: Work Those Diagnostic Signature Requirements To Your Advantage
You are safe if you always remember to sign all orders or requisitions.Are you confused ab... Read more
ICD-10: Get Ready To Modify Lipodystrophy Diagnosis Code Using E Code
Link dermal filler injection service to HIV, facial lipodystrophy codes.Lipodystrophy in H... Read more
Break Down The Complications of Using Modifier 58, 78
Must for modifier 78: The subsequent procedure should be directly associated with the in... Read more
Reader Question:
Account Circumferential Collapse With 519.19
Question: Any suggestions for an ICD-9 code on "circumferential airway collapse"?Connectic... Read more
Reader Question:
92557 Does Not Apply To Audio Techs
Question: Our audiologists mostly perform 92557. Can an audio tech do this for Medicare, t... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Contains Nasal Packing Removal
Question: One of our physicians removed a balloon intranasal packing that was placed by an... Read more
Reader Question:
Shun 69310-69646 Combo In The Same Anatomical Area
Question: A surgeon performs meatoplasty on the right ear, and tympanoplasty on the left e... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Play It Safe By Billing Repeated Nosebleed Procedure With Modifier 59
Question: My physician saw a patient at the hospital for a nosebleed. Later that day, anot... Read more
Function Test:
Thyroid Function Study: 2 Main Points Prove Essential To Your Bottomline
You must not overlook signs and symptoms in documentation.When a patient presents with sig... Read more
E00-E07 Will Define Thyroid Disorders For ICD-10
Take note: General rules of coding will remain the same except for some subcategory variat... Read more
Unravel The Potential Of Coding Migraine-Associated Dizziness
Dizziness in migraine is not as common as you think with the numerous symptoms that come w... Read more
2 Tips To Get Your Modifier 25 Claim On The Right Track
'Yes' to four basic questions means a separate E/M is billable.Modidifer 25 concerns an E/... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Be Sloppy In Reporting Stereotactic Guidance
Question: I submitted a claim for 31267 and 61782 using the same diagnosis. The insurance ... Read more
Reader Question:
Home In On 530.6 For Zenker's Diverticulum
Question: What is the ICD-9 code for Zenker's diverticulum? What CPT® should I use t... Read more
Reader Question:
Nasal Button Insertion in the Office
Question: When an otolarynologist performs nasal septal button insertion in an office sett... Read more
Reader Question:
When Does Modifier 76 Apply?
Question: Can you give me an example of when modifier 76 should be used in otolaryngology ... Read more
Reader Question:
61575 Does It For Deep Neck Transoral Biopsy
Question: I need help finding a code for a transoral biopsy of prevertebral mass (deep nec... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Sinusectomy Codes Depict Specific Functions
Question: When should I report sinusectomy codes? When a surgeon suctions purulent mucoid ... Read more
Coding Challenge:
Nasal and Sinus Endoscopies: Case Study Helps Simplify A Potential Knotty Undertaking
Don't forget: Apply 150 percent adjustment for bilateral procedures when calculating reven... Read more
Ensure Compliance With Sinusitis' One-to-One Relationship For ICD-10
Code J32.x with a fourth digit to specify location.When using the ICD-9-CM code set, you w... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
2 Tips Streamline Your Cut Throat Dysphonia Claims
Knowing your throat anatomy could keep you in the game.When a patient presents with common... Read more
Move Provider Signature To The Top Of Your Documentation Checklist
Extra: The physician's credentials have a role to play, too.Your CPT® coding may be ... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch Eagle's Syndrome Coding With An Eagle Eye
Question: One of our patients was diagnosed with Eagle's Syndrome. How should I code for t... Read more
Reader Question:
31899: Spot Parallelism With 31641 -- Although Not Quite
Question:I know that you need to use the unlisted CPT® code 31899 to describe bronch... Read more
Reader Question:
Say No To 92270 For ENG
Question: My physician wants to report 92270 to describe saccadic testing during an electr... Read more
You Be the Coder:
92504: Can It Stand Alone In Your Claim?
Question:When our otolaryngologist performs 69801 in-office, can we bill for the binocular... Read more
Surgical Procedures:
'Daunting' Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment: Melt Away Your Coding Worries
Unlisted code 42299 remains your only option for LAUP.Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the... Read more
Similar Functioning Code in the I-10 G Suffix codes Replaces 327.23 Under ICD-10-CM
Polysomnography is one way an ENT may use to confirm OSA.In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),... Read more
Frenotomy/Frenectomy Coding Solutions:
Frenulum Repair Coding: Keep Anatomy and Procedure Type In Mind
Profit as much as $100 if you can readily identify 40806's purpose.When coding for frenulu... Read more
Modifier 57: Life After Elimination of Consult Codes
Another modifier may grace your claim when describing principal physician service. Find ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Confuse 99339-99340 with 99324-99328
Question: A physician evaluates a new patient in an assisted living facility for sinusitis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Give Yourself A Week To Use 31502
Question: When a patient comes into the office and needs a tracheotomy tube change and t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Non Medically Necessary Procedures? Let ABN Do The Talking
Question: Our MAC will only let us bill cerumen removal four times per year, but a Medicar... Read more
Reader Questions:
Prove Medical Necessity Before You Can Code 69440
Question: What is the appropriate CPT® for Silverstein permanent aeration tube? The ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Reporting A CPT® With E/M? Attach Modifer 25
Question: I bill 94664 with other nebulizer services (for example, 94640, A7003, J7611, an... Read more
Reader Questions:
Medicare Reimburses Epley Maneuver Separately
Question: What is the recent Medicare guideline for billing Canalith repositioning (95992)... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Beware Of Billing Multiple Turbinate Services
Question: When billing for physician services, our practice always follows the National Co... Read more
Audiology Coding Solutions:
4 FAQs Make Sense Out of Cochlear Implant Coding
Physicians have limited use of available CPT codes. Find out why. When reporting for a... Read more
Exercise H Code Use For Sensorineural Hearing Loss
How would you handle second-time diagnostic analysis?The most common diagnosis for cochlea... Read more
Case Study: Shed Light On The Purpose Of Modifier 22
Tip: Details -- or the lack of it -- on physician's notes can make or break your claim.If ... Read more
Electronic Prescribing:
Time To Put Your ePrescribing Knowhow Into Meaningful Use
Get your system moving before June 30th or you'll pay the price. If you do not hav... Read more
Reader Questions:
Resolve Denial For Computer Assisted Guidance With Sinus Surgery
Question:Do I have any recourse if my payer starts denying computer assisted guidance with... Read more
Reader Questions:
No Payment for 94760 With E/M
Question: Can I get paid by Medicare carriers for 94760 with any E/M code?California Subsc... Read more
Reader Questions:
Payer Rules Differ On Incident To Services For Allergy Shots
Question:I'd like to get verification on billing for allergy testing (95004), allergen pre... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Mind Your PC/TC Components When Using Audio Tech
Question: When can we bill an audio technician's service for Medicare? Washingto... Read more
Accessory Sinuses Service Coding:
30130, 30140: 3 FAQs Show You How To Recoup About $217
Find out why you should avoid coding a septoplasty in the presence of 21330.When you're fa... Read more
471.0 Gets Set For A J Code Change in 2013
Nasal cavity polyp also goes by the term "choanal" and "nasopharyngeal."If the otolaryngol... Read more
Education Service Coding:
Inhaler Service Claims: Profit $16 From 94664 With 4 Easy Guidelines
Learn what steps to take when provider charges for a Diskus demo.One thing you should keep... Read more
Wonder No More: Successful Internal Audits Are Doable
What does scheduling and scrutinizing documentation have to do with your success?Self audi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Move Away From 94664 When Providing Education Service
Question: In what situation should we be reporting 94664? The Medicare fee schedule shows ... Read more
Reader Questions:
42800 Portrays Biopsy Without A Scope
Question: I need help in coding the following physician's report. What CPT and ICD-9 code ... Read more
Reader Questions:
787.22 Is For Dysphagia In Oropharyngeal Phase
Question: My otolaryngologist diagnosed a patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma status pos... Read more
Reader Questions:
Regard as Essential Reason for the Visit
Question: Our otolaryngologist evaluated and developed an allergy treatment plan for a pat... Read more
Reader Questions:
S Codes Are Not for Medicare Use
Question: I recently heard the code S2342, which has the same description as 31237. Should... Read more
You Be the Coder:
CPT 2011 Debuts Home Sleep Study Codes 95800, 95801
Question: I heard of two new home sleep study codes that debuted on Jan. 1. What are they?... Read more
NCCI Edits:
Three Es of Oto Fare Well in NCCI 17.0: Endoscopy, Excision and E/M
Eighty-eight surgical procedures make up components of 31296. Mind your edits when cod... Read more
Easy Transition To ICD-10 Awaits Sialoadenitis Code
K Code replaces 527.2 in 2013.If you came face to face with a need to code 64611 (Chemoden... Read more
Nosebleed Repair:
Are 30901, 30903 Your Lone Go-To Codes for Nosebleed Control? Not So Fast!
Don't let the extra $100 go by because of wrong judgement. When you're faced w... Read more
Incident To:
Incident To: Cull Out Deserving Dollars Following 3 Guidelines
Physician's authorization of NPP's services is a rule you can't miss.The Centers for Medic... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consider What Happens to Mucus During Nasal Endoscopy
Question: My otolaryngologist performed sinus endoscopy and suctioned only the purulent mu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
42408: When Excision Occurs in Mouth Vestibule
Question: How should I code a removal of a lesion on the lip's vestibular mucosa without r... Read more
Turbinate Procedures:
3 Q&As Rev Up Your Inferior Turbinate Coding Practices for 2011
Teach your staff this one vital rule: 1 turbinate = 1 code.The feds and local authorities ... Read more
Celebrate Sinusitis Codes' One-to-One Relationship for ICD-10
Start getting used to looking in the 'J' diagnosis section of your manual.Don't fear: When... Read more
News You Can Use:
Otolaryngology Practices: Prepare For Newest Conversion Factor
Despite adjusted rate of 33.9764, changed RVUs should ensure that your payments will stay ... Read more
Coding Challenge:
Ring In the New Year With 'Consult' Note Coding Perfection
Don't forget applicable modifiers.Medicare no longer recognizes consult codes, so you have... Read more
Evaluation and Management:
Want to Bill Level 4, 5 E/Ms? Don't Let These ROS Snares Stop You
Ensure you have documentation of each system -- or prepare to assign a lower code.Lev... Read more
Reader Questions:
31231: Ask, How Far Did The Scope Go?
Question: When reviewing my physician's notes, how should I count exam elements when they ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Nasopharyngeal Biopsy With 42804
Question: Our surgeon performed a fiberoptic laryngoscopy to evaluate the patient's respon... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use 43499 for Zenker's Diverticulum
Question: How do I code for removal of a Zenker's diverticulum when my physician performed... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Include Clotting Aid in 42820-42821
Question: Doctor performed a T&A and placed Vitagel tissue seal over the adenoid and t... Read more
Available Years:  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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