Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Op Note:
5 Steps Cut the 'Complex' Out of Your Bilateral Neck Dissection With Thyroidectomy Claims
These two modifiers are must-haves when your physician performs custom tracheal resections... Read more
Clip And Save:
Handle Your Ear Diagnoses With Care by Pinpointing Anatomic Site
Here's how to differentiate your pinna from your cochlea. Doctors who treat ear conditions... Read more
Denials Management:
Overcome MUE Denial Challenges By Busting 4 Common Myths
If you ignore the medically unlikely edits, you're asking for a claim rejection. If you'r... Read more
Reader Questions:
Put 69610 First: Here's Why
Question: My physician evaluated the patient's right ear and cleared the canal of all cer... Read more
Reader Questions:
Tackle the Modified Radical Neck Dissection With 60240
Question: The physician did a total thyroidectomy and a "modified" radical neck dissectio... Read more
Reader Questions:
69200 Answers Office Removal of Ventilation Tubes Question
Question: How do I code for the removal of ventilation tubes when performed in the office... Read more
You Be the Coder:
95920, 42415: Why You Should Avoid This Code Combo
Question: I am trying to get my assistant surgeon paid for code 95920. Patient had a 424... Read more
ICD-9 2011:
You'll Code Influenza, BMI, Jaw Pain
New ICD-9 codes went into effect last month -- make sure you aren't behind the ... Read more
CPT 2011:
95992: Usher In the Age of Payable Canalith Repositioning Services
Warning: Medicare still won't reimburse audiologist-billed Epley.ENT coders, you have reas... Read more
CPT 2011:
99224, 99225, 99226 Solve 'Middle Day' Code Dilemma
Observation services expansion eliminates payer coding variation.In 2011, coders will have... Read more
News You Can Use:
CMS Slashes 2011 Conversion Factor and Wreaks Havoc on Your Pay
Plus: Learn two new HCPCS codes if your physician performs wellness visits.Get ready for a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Can Provider Change Tax ID?
Question: One of our physicians wants to stop billing under the group's tax ID and start b... Read more
Reader Questions:
95165: Antigens--Should You Use 1 Line?
Question: How should I bill preparation of three separate 10-dose immunotherapy vials (usi... Read more
Reader Questions:
43200, 43202: Weigh 2 Possible CPT Options for TNE
Question: How should I code a transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE)? Louisiana SubscriberAnswer: ... Read more
Reader Questions:
69641-69646, 21235: Is Graft + Tympanoplasty OK?
Question: An otolaryngologist performs a tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy and makes a se... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bill Consultations With a Referral
Question: When another doctor refers a patient to our surgeon, who meets with the pat... Read more
Reader Questions:
Submit All Claims to a Contracted Payer
Question: We have a patient who wants us to give her the allowable amounts for a procedu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Report Fungal Sinusitis With Combination of Codes
Question: Is there is a specific diagnosis code for fungal sinusitis? Tennessee Subscriber... Read more
Codes 92543, 92547 Permit Multiple Billings; 92542, 92545 Don't.
Here's the rationale behind ENG test unit rules.With some ENG tests taking one unit and ot... Read more
92541 to 92547: Not Every ENG Test Code Permits Multiple Reporting
Clip and save your guide to 92541-92547 billing combos. Even though no universal rule ... Read more
Call on Modifier 24 for Complication Evaluations -- Maybe
Medicare will only allow return to OR with modifier 78.CPT rules allow you to report an E/... Read more
OIG Update:
Practices Collected Over $8 Million for Services Rendered After Patients Died
OIG identified massive overpayments for services rendered after patients' dates of death.Y... Read more
Reader Questions:
99441, 99443: The Hard Truth about Phone Call Pay
Question: Another physician told my doctor that he's receiving payment from his contractor... Read more
Reader Questions:
Symbols and Chart Explain V Code Order
Question: What rules apply to reporting V codes with E/M office visits? Can we report scre... Read more
Reader Questions:
Decide Which Nasal Surgeries You Can Report
Question: An otolaryngologist performs a septoplasty, submucous resection of inferior turb... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Audiologist's PIN When ENT's Out
Question: I have a certified audiologist in my office who performs all hearing tests inclu... Read more
Reader Questions:
Examine Anesthesia For 69433 vs. 69436
Question: Does the description of 69436 (Tympanostomy [requiring insertion of ventilating ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reserve 55 for Post-Op Package
Question: Would you please explain when we should use modifier 55? I am not clear on what ... Read more
Case Study:
Breathe Easy Translating Nasal Notes Into Flawless Code Combinations
This op report tests your sinus and turbinate coding skills.You can unravel a tricky sinus... Read more
Thyroidectomy Coding:
Boost Your 60240 Claim By $240 When It Contains 60512's 2 R's
This ammo will help you combat insurer's autotransplantation base-code snafu.You can boost... Read more
E/M Services:
5 Tips Help You Review Billed Service Levels
Teach otolaryngologists to write iron-clad MDM notes.You can't get inside your ENT's head ... Read more
Avoid Rejected Claims by Becoming PECOS-Certified
Medicare postpones July 6 implementation and works to streamline enrollment process.You do... Read more
Reader Questions:
Modifier 52 Requires Base Surgery
Question: I understood that 69450 (tympanolysis) is for time spent cleaning out a patient'... Read more
Reader Questions:
31541 Includes Strippings and Removal
Question: Can I bill 31541 bilaterally to represent a bilateral laryngoscopy with operatin... Read more
Reader Questions:
Not All E/M Rules Require Patient Presence
Question: A patient's father came in to review test results without the child present. Sho... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bill 92504 Under 2 Circumstances
Question: When should I use 92504? Would you give an example showing appropriate 92504 rep... Read more
Reader Questions:
Billing Nerve Monitoring Billing? Let Payer Be Your Guide
Question: May I bill for facial nerve monitoring, such as for 100 minutes with a total thy... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Is Graft Inherent in Myringoplasty?
Question: An otolaryngologist performed myringoplasty (69620) and harvested a graft. Can h... Read more
Test Your Thyroidectomy and Neck Dissection Coding Skills
Functional, selective, radical refer to the same procedure.Nine codes and five terms can c... Read more
Case Study:
Check Your HPI, Risk IQ With Decision for Fracture Txt
Hint: Your ENT's recs are the ones to count under mgt options.When a patient has an E/M in... Read more
MDM: Weigh Surgical Risk to Snag the Correct E/M Level
These definitions take the mystery out of moderate vs high surgical management options.You... Read more
CCI to Reverse Edits Involving Vestibular Testing
Effective Oct. 1, you'll be able to use a modifier to separate these services when they ar... Read more
What Is a CCI Edit?
Every quarter, the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) puts out a list of code pairs that Medi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get "Administrative H&P" Straight
Question:I'm an ENT coder, and I have a question about billing for a consent and history a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Fix Middle Ear Surgery Reimbursement Leak
Question: My physician performed a tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy. During the surger... Read more
Reader Questions:
Call on 24 for New Px at Post-Op Visit
Question:An ENT sees a patient in follow-up for a tympanoplasty (69436, Tympanostomy [requ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Minutes Count for Tobacco Use Counseling
Question:Our physicians sometimes spend time counseling with patients about tobacco usage ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check Method, Site For Oral Lesion Coding
Question: An otolaryngologist plans on treating precancerous multiple mucosal lip lesions ... Read more
Don't Write Off Post-Op Debridement When MD Performs FESS With Septoplasty Or Turbinectomy
In many cases, you can collect for the multiple procedures Myth: Reporting postoperati... Read more
Guest Columnist: Safely Report OAEs Without Losing Pay Using These Guidelines
CPT know-how can sidestep potential compliance violations. When it comes to OAE bundl... Read more
Allergy Coding:
Breathe Easy When You Code EAA Workup Using These Steps
Hint: 94010, 94375 are shoe-ins for bundled status.A workup for possible extrinsic allergi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Four Elements Mean Extended HPI
Question: I'm auditing a note that states: "CC: A patient seen in the office complains of ... Read more
Reader Questions:
No Inpatient Contact = No E/M Service
Question: I read "When reporting discharge day management service, you must provide and do... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bill 94762 for Technical Services Only
Question: When an allergist performs 94762 on hospital inpatients, may I bill for the code... Read more
Reader Questions:
Count Botox Indirect Injections per Group
Question: An otolaryngologist uses Botox injections as chemodenervations of muscles for th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Central Neck Dissection? Use This Code
Question: I just purchased your audioconference CD "Decipher Neck Dissection Vocabulary an... Read more
Cerumen Coding:
Are You Reporting Cerumen Removal? 5 Tips Help Optimize Your Reimbursement
Key: If the physician performs an E/M with the removal, zero in on your diagnosis codes.Ar... Read more
Clip and Save:
Confront 2 Problem Areas to Confidently Report 31575
Here's what documentation you need to prove the scope is medically necessary. If y... Read more
Make Sure Your Modifier 25 Usage Stands Up to Scrutiny
Appeals: HIPAA, CPT guidelines may convince insurer to pay up.If an E/M denial lands on yo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Filing Details for Secondary Medicaid
Question: How do we correctly submit claims when Medicaid is the secondary insurance?Virgi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Find Out How a CCI Modifier Indicator Affects You
Question: When can I unbundle Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits?Georgia SubscriberAnsw... Read more
Reader Questions:
In the Absence of Details, Rely on Documentation
Question: The E/M guideline chart that we use to select the history level includes identif... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture 31267 for Sinus Biopsy
Question: An otolaryngologist documented a procedure as: left endoscopic maxillary antrost... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Educate Yourself with 11101 Add-On Code Basics
Question: I submitted a claim for 11100 and 11101-59, but the insurance denied it. What di... Read more
Distinguish Wall Up, Wall Down, OCRs to Boost Mastoidectomy Coding Know-How
Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy offers multiple reporting options.You're not alone if you... Read more
Case Study:
This 5-Part Lesson Enhances Your Mouth Lesion Removal Coding Smarts
Coding for excision of additional margins is possible, but a good explanation is required.... Read more
Invite Audits if You Confuse New and Established Patient E/Ms
Remember, what used to be a consultation is now likely a 99201-99215 service.Medicare's de... Read more
Reader Questions:
Anesthesia Necessary to Report Tube Removal
Question: The primary procedure was 92504. Can I bill for a foreign body removal under ane... Read more
Reader Questions:
92550 Bundles Tympanometry and Acoustic Reflex
Question: I reported 92567 and 92568-26 and received a denial on both codes. What did I do... Read more
Reader Questions:
Assess HPI Level to Help Narrow E/M Choice
Question: How does a brief history of present illness (HPI) differ from an extended HPI?Mi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Esophageal Suture Repairs Gun Shot Wound
Question: I am trying to code a right thoracotomy with direct repair of a transected thora... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Base Lesion Coding on Path Report
Question: I have been cross-referencing the size of excised lesions noted in the op report... Read more
Reader Questions:
Esophageal Suture Repairs Gun Shot Wound
Question: I am trying to code a right thoracotomy with direct repair of a transected thora... Read more
Reader Questions:
Extensive Cleaning May Mean a Higher-Level Code
Question: A patient presents with a 1.5-cm laceration of the ear, and the otolaryngologist... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Does Tonsil Excision Include CO2 Laser?
Question: Which codes would I use for a CO2 laser microlaryngoscopy and an excision of lin... Read more
5 Tips Clarify Diagnostic Endoscopy Reporting
Examine anatomy, diagnosis, and nature of exam before jumping to 31231. When the ENT uses... Read more
Stay in Line with CCI Endoscopy Bundles to Reduce Payback Risk
Code 31575 includes 92511 and 31231 except under these conditions. Singling out the corre... Read more
New Tympanometry Codes Include Wax Removal; Septoplasty and Ablation Can Stand Alone
For compliance, recognize 69210 as inclusive to audiological codes. Coding updates in 201... Read more
Reader Questions:
3 Neck Dissections Defined
Question: Could you please explain the difference between the different types of neck dis... Read more
Reader Questions:
Needle or Scalpel Determines Biopsy Code
Question: How would you code for biopsy of lower lip minor salivary glands? New York Subs... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Overlook Shared-Visit Billing for Inpatients
Question: I know I cannot bill services incident-to in the hospital setting. Is there a w... Read more
Reader Questions:
Post-Op Complications May Be Separately Reportable
Question: My ENT performed a tonsillectomy and two days later the patient was admitted to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Drug Waste with JW modifier
Question: For a recent, non-cosmetic procedure we injected 32 units of Botox and wasted 6... Read more
Reader Questions:
Review Incident-To Guidelines For Follow-Ups
Question: One of our nonphysician practitioners saw a patient during a follow-up visit&nb... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code for I&D at Different Tonsil Site
Question: The ENT saw a 24-year-old patient in the ER for a peritonsillar abscess. Then, ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Benign Nodes Needn't Impact Coding
Question: I need help coding a thyroidectomy and removal of lymph nodes when the lymph no... Read more
Dissect Procedural Components, Difficulty to Ace Glossectomy Coding
Warning: Plate stabilization probably won't win you modifier 22 approval. Even though a... Read more
3 Do's Help You Append Modifier 59 Like a Pro
These endoscopy coding tips help you earn the most bang for your services. Get paid for s... Read more
3 Coding Options Resolve Balloon Sinuplasty Questions
Your solo dilation coding will get easier come 2011. With no dedicated code for a ball... Read more
Drop Lymph Node Excision From Neck Dissection Codes
Modifier 22 may be an option for complex work.Deciphering which excisions are payable toge... Read more
Consider Subsequent Hospital Care Instead of Initial Visit Codes
New CMS guidance attempts solution for removal of inpatient consults. CMS has offered ... Read more
Stick with 30802 for Ablation
Question: Our coding staff is having a disagreement regarding the proper code to use whe... Read more
Nasal Excision Depends on Route
Question:Which CPT code would you use if your physician is performing excision of a nasal ... Read more
Go With 52 When Short of Audiology Bundle
Question: Concerning the new bundled CPT 92570 ,do I report this even if the audiologist p... Read more
Appeal for Bilateral Cochlear Programming
Question: Can I report cochlear implant programming bilaterally?Wisconsin SubscriberAnswer... Read more
Unbundle Inferior Turbinates From Septoplasty
Question: I billed out 30520 and 30930-51, and 30930 was denied, stating it is included wi... Read more
Reduce Services on 38724 for Central Neck
Question: According to the Otolaryngology Coding Alert, central neck dissection can be rep... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use Superficial Wound Repair for Lobes
Question: Some of our doctors consider ear lobe repair a cosmetic procedure, but I feel t... Read more
Does 60252 Win Out Over 60254 for a Bilateral Modified RND?
Know whether to go with LT, RT, 51, or 59 when reporting a bilateral dissection. You can ... Read more
Don't Assume Arch Bar Removal -- $139 or More is at Stake
For most reimbursement, opt to perform 20670 in this place of service. Coders can sometim... Read more
Extra E/M Work Leads to Modifier 25 Pay
Question: We have taken on a facial/plastics physician who is going to see only skin canc... Read more
3 Options for Coding Baha Implant
Question: Our patient had a tonsillectomy with a 90-day global period on Oct. 12, 2009, a... Read more
Know When You Can Report Visits After Global
Question: Codes 10060 and 10061 have a 10-day global fee. If the patient, however, contin... Read more
Coding for Supplies Depends on POS
Question: Can I use 99070 to report the use of supplies at our office? Colorado Subscribe... Read more
Sometimes Designate Scope as Unrelated to Septoplasty
Question: We performed a septoplasty for a patient and then used a nasal endoscopy to exa... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Cancer Diagnosis Trumps Aftercare
Question: Our hospital is arguing with our office that the primary diagnosis we reported ... Read more
Exercise Tissue Transfer Coding Skills With These 2010 Edit Tips
Don't forget 59 to unbundle skin repair, excision codes. You'd better put learning CPT 20... Read more
Bundle Tissue Transfers with Debridement, Repair, and More
Tissue transfers also fare prominently among CCI 16.0's non-mutually exclusive edits. Othe... Read more
Watch Out for New ENG Code Restrictions in 2010
Reporting vestibular testing has become a one or all proposition. If you are used to pick... Read more
Report +69990 1x for Microsurgery
Question: When my ENT uses a microscope during a procedure, what guidelines can I use for... Read more
Try 92504 for Otowick Placement
Question: One of our physicians wants us to report for otowick placement. Is there a CPT ... Read more
92543 Global vs. 26: Check Audiologist Association
Question: Our otologist interprets electronystagmogram (ENG)/videonystagmography (VNG) re... Read more
Pre-Op vs. Post-Op Consult
Question: Our ENT specialist handled the preoperative consultation for a surgical case an... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Payer's Global Policy Determines Post-op I&D Allowance
Question: After having a septoplasty (30520, Septoplasty or submucous resection, with or ... Read more
Available Years:  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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