Otolaryngology Coding Alert

CPT 2010 Update:
Make Sure Your Excision, Radical Resection, and Ablation Codes Measure Up Jan. 1
This revised definition will help you avoid this common turbinate coblation pitfall. Descr... Read more
CPT 2010 Update:
Tally Up Common Audiology Code Groups Into Single Codes
Plus, add this new tympanometry code to your cache next year. One of CPT 2010's initiativ... Read more
Cross Out Consultation Codes for Medicare Only in 2010
Find out how much CMS will raise payment for other E/M codes. The inevitable has ha... Read more
Enter the E-Scribing Era by Following 3 Simple Steps
Find out what percentage bonus you'll receive from Medicare. Can your otolaryngologist af... Read more
Watch Out:
Fee Schedule Cuts Medicare Pay By 21.2%
Silver lining: CMS increases pay for office visit codes. Get ready for another year of na... Read more
Pick 31238 to Control Nose Bleeding
Question: An otolaryngologist performed nasal endoscopy and had to cauterize nasal bleedi... Read more
Append Modifier 52 for Incomplete BAHA Procedure
Question: My practice is doing an implantation of electromagnetic bone conduction hearing... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use 2 New CPT Codes for Unattended Sleep Studies
Question: What CPT Codes should we use for unattended sleep studies? South Carolina Subs... Read more
Maximize Your Endoscopic Reimbursement by Avoiding These Pitfalls
Order your codes incorrectly on your claim, and you may miss out on $104. For function... Read more
Discover When You Can Report E/M + Flexible Scope Visits
Avoiding 2 pitfalls can add $105 to your bottom line. In an office visit, a patient must ... Read more
5 Steps Start and Finish Your BAHA Coding
Let your payer determine your bilateral modifier option. When your otolaryngologist perfo... Read more
Don't Re-Declare Local Anesthesia on Lesion Excision
Question: My ENT wants to remove a benign lesion of the pinna, 5x8 mm with local anesthes... Read more
Stretch Out Septoplasty E/M Period to the Max
Question: My physician performed FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) and septoplas... Read more
Check Guidelines for Personal History V Code
Question: A patient completed radiation treatment for tongue cancer. Less than five years... Read more
Learn Medicare Standard on 92546
Question: My practice has purchased a rotary chair and will start billing 92546 (Sinusoid... Read more
Leaving Off Intra-Op Testing Add-On Code Could Spell Denial
Question: We billed 60240 with diagnosis codes 240.9 (Goiter, unspecified) and 242.00 (To... Read more
Refer to Column 'Z' for Supervision Requirements
Question: Our practice employs an audiologist who performs audiological tests off-site fr... Read more
Could Ending 99241-99255 Pay Help Your Practice?
Question: I'm hearing that consultation codes (99241-99255) will go away in 2010. How wil... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Stick to This Diagnosis for Cleaning Procedure
Question: A patient had a mastoidectomy. He comes to the clinic for debridement of the ma... Read more
Confused About Trach Tube Changes? 5 Tips Perfect Your Claims
Hint: Whether the fistula tract is established may decide 31502. For in-office tracheo... Read more
Coding Quiz:
3 Scenarios Avoid Excision Coding Pitfalls
Use this simple trick to reporting re-excisions during global period. Coding all services... Read more
Coding Quiz Answers:
3 Solutions Reveal Your Lesion Removal Weaknesses
Add this modifier for re-excisions during the 10-day global period. Discover if your resp... Read more
Omitting Modifier 57 Endangers Your Decision-for-Surgery E/M Pay
Between the decision and the surgical procedure, 24-hours is key. You could improve payme... Read more
Rhinitis Medicamentosa? Find Your Dx Here
Question: What is rhinitis medicamentosa, and what ICD-9 code should I bill for this cond... Read more
Strike +69990 From Your ASC List
Question: I code visits to an ambulatory surgery center (ASC), and one of my otolaryngolo... Read more
Use This Advice on Reporting Modifier 51
Question: I am uncertain about when I should use modifier 51. Do some carriers no longer ... Read more
Fight Audio Service Inclusions With 3 Tips
Question: When a Medicare patient presents to our office with a chief complaint of "heari... Read more
Find Your Endoscopic Removal of Nose Mass Here
Question: What code should you report for an endoscopic removal of floor nose mass? Georg... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Let Day Steer 31238 Modifier
Question: Yesterday a patient had 30520 and 30140-50. Later that day, the patient returne... Read more
6 Steps Revamp Your Throat Symptom Coding
This anatomy crosswalk makes breaking out dysphonia and hyper/hyponasality a breeze. Get ... Read more
Increase Your Neoplasm Coding Arsenal With 5 New Codes
A 5th digit on this insurance 'frontgate' diagnosis will prevent kick-outs. Although your... Read more
Discuss These Concerns Before Marking E876.5-E876.7
ICD-9 delivers a host of codes you may choose to never use. Ever wonder if there's an ICD... Read more
488.1 for H1N1? Watch Your DOS, Documentation
You might be sticking with 487.x --even in the fall. Before you start using new code 488.... Read more
Reader Question:
Revise Your 'Hoarseness' ICD-9 Crosswalk
Question: In 2009, our ICD-9 cheat sheet lists 784.49 for hoarseness and for voice change... Read more
Reader Question:
Here's When to Report Steroid Therapy History
Question: I see that ICD-9 2010 introduced new codes for personal history of inhaled ster... Read more
Reader Question:
Code Dysphonia + Tumor ICD-9 Codes
Question: An ENT diagnoses a patient with dysphonia and also finds that the patient has v... Read more
Reader Question:
Is Testing When ENT Is in OR OK?
Question: Our multispecialty practice is considering hiring an audiologist. She may perfo... Read more
Reader Question:
Associate These Terms With 784.42
Question: Our speech-language pathologist (SLP) diagnosed a singer with diplophonia. What... Read more
Reader Question:
What Product Code for Swine Flu Vaccine?
Question: Some patients are requesting the H1N1 flu vaccine this fall. What product code ... Read more
Reader Question:
Hx of Spider Bite: V15.06 Vs. V15.09
Question: A patient has a history of allergic reactions to spider bites. When treatment o... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Organic Lesion Causes Hypernasality
Question: A patient was treated for hypernasality that the otolaryngologist found was cau... Read more
Good News:
Thanks to the AAO-HNS, You Can Receive Bilateral 62900 Reimbursement
You will benefit from at least $50 more for each bilateral auditory canal FBR claim. Sear... Read more
Bust 4 Myths to Break Bad Modifier 22 Habits
Using an unlisted procedure code as alternative could mean lost revenue. Catch-22: If you... Read more
Coding Quiz:
:5 Solutions Simplify Thyroidectomy Dissection Claims
Hint: 'Functional,' 'selective,' 'radical' refer to the same procedure. When your physici... Read more
Get Specific With Your Asthma Diagnoses
Question: I'm confused by my allergist's notes. He said, "A history of asthma-induced bro... Read more
Nosebleed Control? Don't Make Multi-Code Mistake
Question: When my physician provides epistaxis control using an endoscope, I usually code... Read more
Diverticulectomy Approach Matters
Question: What CPT code should I report for an endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy using t... Read more
Factor Patient's Status Into This E/M Scenario
Question: My otolaryngologist's notes indicate an expanded problem focused history, a pro... Read more
Looking for Tonsil Biopsy Code? Check for Scope
Question: My physician did a punch excisional biopsy of the left tonsil, but I\'m not see... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Appeal Faulty Bundles That Payers May Apply
Question: I filed a claim as follows: • 30465 • 30520-59 • 30140-50 •... Read more
Unblock $950 for Genioglossus Advancement
Proper coding should make this radical OSA treatment reimbursable. Coders have dealt with... Read more
What Is Organic Sleep Apnea, Anyway?
Report a condition like OSA only after sleep testing. When your physician reports "organi... Read more
Keep Fighting Third-Party Bundles of 31240, 3125x
Your ENT should get paid for the extra work he performs for endoscopic resections. Are yo... Read more
Conquer Maxillary Cyst Removal Coding Confusion
Don't be thrown because 31267 doesn't specify what kind of tissue. Sometimes a code's wor... Read more
Don't Back Down on Claim for Unrelated Scope
Question: We are being denied payment on 31231 as being included in 90-day post op care. ... Read more
When Is It OK to Report E/M With 69210?
Question: We have a few insurance companies who deny an office visit with 69210. We used ... Read more
How Should I Code Gentamicin Injection?
Question: I have a question about Gentamicin injections. Do you bill the full vial amount... Read more
You Be the Coder:
What's the Code for Central Neck Dissection?
Question: How do you code a level 6 neck dissection, also known as a central neck dissect... Read more
CCI 15.2 Update:
Good News: Deleted Nasal Vestibule, Septoplasty Edit Boosts Your Bottom Line By $125
Scrap using a modifier for 2 31525 edits, thanks to these new deletions. The latest Corre... Read more
Diagnosis Coding:
5 Questions Dig Deeper IntoMalignant, Benign Neoplasm Dx
Discover the difference between 'uncertain' and 'undefined.' If the ICD-9 neoplasm table ... Read more
Lick Tongue Neoplasm ICD-9 Challenges by Focusing on Anatomical Site
Not sure what malignant code to report for the lingual tonsil? See this chart. Your ENTs ... Read more
Clear Up Your Modifier 24, 25, or 57 Confusion With These Answers
Here's what to do if you've been submitting the wrong modifier. To avoid denials for an E... Read more
See the Benefit of Billing CT Scan Globally
Question: My otolaryngology practice recently bought a mini CT scan device and started p... Read more
Doing ENG Testing? Strike 92270 Out
Question: My otolaryngologist wants to report 92270 for saccadic testing during an electr... Read more
Pay Attention to ICD-9 Descriptor Notations
Question: My physician saw a patient with "acute exacerbation of emphysema." In his docum... Read more
Discover Who Can Document Patient's HPI
Question: My co-worker thinks a physician must take a patient's history, while I think a ... Read more
How Do You Code Bilateral Membrane Repair?
Question: During removal of tubes (69424), our otolaryngologist also repaired the tympani... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Endoscopies Via Previous Created Sinusotomies
Question: My ENT performed an endoscopic exam to view the interior of maxillary or spheno... Read more
Bilateral Cochlear Implants Create Programming-Code Dilemma
Professional associations go to bat for audiology coders. If your E... Read more
About Cochlear Implant Programming and Adjustments
When a patient receives a cochlear implant, an audiologist must initially program th... Read more
Don't Let CCI 15.1's 300,000 Additions Scare You
Most new bundles wont affect your bottom line. If the news about th... Read more
Use Modifier When Only 1 Tonsil Comes Out
Question: My doctor and I are having a discussion on the correct way to code a... Read more
Use HCPCS Code for Cerumen Removal Before Test
Question: Ive lost an appeal on 69210 being billed on the same day as 92567. I... Read more
Use Modifier When Only 1 Tonsil Comes Out
Question: My doctor and I are having a discussion on the correct way to code a... Read more
How to Deal With 2-Shot Allergy Patient
Question: We have a patient who just moved to our area. Her previous physician... Read more
Modifier 58 Describes 2nd Eardrum Repair
Question: Our ENT performed a myringoplasty (69620) with a fat graft. A week l... Read more
Call on Unlisted Code for Nasal Injection
Question: How would you code a steroid injection directly into a nasal polyp? ... Read more
Modifier 76 Opens Up Inhalation Payment
Question: When I bill two units of 94640, insurers deny the second charge. Wha... Read more
Medicare Muddies Ear-Procedure Waters
Question: I have been getting denials for labyrinthotomy by Decadron injection... Read more
If Modifier 78, Don't Report E/M
Question: Our patient had a tonsillectomy. Four days later, she came to the ER... Read more
Can I Code Hospital Admission and Procedure?
Question: Our physician admitted a patient to the hospital for dehydration, dy... Read more
When Can We Report +61795?
Question: Weve been getting rejections lately for +61795. Under what circumstances m... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Settle This Debate Over Resection Vs. Coblation
Question: One of my docs says this is a submucous resection turbinectomy. The ... Read more
Epley Revisited:
Just Because We Get a New Code Does not Always Mean We Get New Pay
Medicare slaps bundled status on 95992, denies reimbursement for new code. ... Read more
You Have to Know Your Gastro Coding When ENTs Get Adventurous
Be prepared as T-EGD procedures filter into otolaryngology practices. ... Read more
Reporting PQRI? Don't Lose Bonus Due to Coding Errors
CMS: Youve got to be on top of your age, gender, dx. Most practices... Read more
Know Your Anatomy for EGD Coding
If your ENT ventures past the pharynx, youll want to review some basic anatomy... Read more
In the You Be the Coder item in Otolaryngology Coding Alert vol. 11, no. 2, we... Read more
You Can't Append 50 to This Laryngoscopy Code
Question: Can you bill 31541 bilaterally? I had heard awhile back that Medicar... Read more
Make Sure Pathologist Renders 'Uncertain' Dx
Question: What is the difference between coding a neoplasm of unspecified morp... Read more
Withhold Payment Until Outside Firm Gets NPIs
Question: Our client practice, an otolaryngology group, employs several audiol... Read more
CCI Bundles PE Tube with Tympanoplasty
Question: If the surgeon performs a tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy or oss... Read more
Look to Add-On Code When Doc Takes Extra Time
Question: Our physician got called for an inpatient consultation for patient w... Read more
No Modifier Necessary When It's Not Co-Surgery
Question: We performed a tongue biopsy on a patient while the patient was in t... Read more
Modifier 52 Helps Describe Resection, Outfracture
Question: I have a physician who wants to bill both 30140 and 30930 during the... Read more
You Be the Coder :
Code This Complex Nasal Endoscopy
Question: With an endoscope, our physician removed a massive nasal mass obstru... Read more
Case Study:
Separate Elective Nose Jobs From Covered Rhinoplasties by Looking for These Clues
Your answers to this nose repair could capture $1,247 in pay. You-ve got to nail dow... Read more
Consult or Referral? So Much Depends on Documentation
Know the 5 Rs to keep the auditors at bay and collect that extra $50. The feds have ... Read more
News You Can Use:
HHS Delays ICD-10 Again
Changes will make some diagnosis codes longer, more specific. Whatever happened to ICD... Read more
Medicare Nerve Monitoring Requires Separate NPI
Question: An article in Otolaryngology Coding Alert Vol. 10, No. 10, states that an audi... Read more
Clues Point to 60271 for Hemithyroidectomy
Question: My physician performed a left hemithyroidectomy with isthmusectomy with remova... Read more
Fall Back on Unlisted Code for Pillar Implants
Question: My physician is considering placing "palatal struts" in a patient to treat a s... Read more
Code Depends on Whether ENT Used Scope
Question: My physician used a laryngoscope to treat a patient who has cerebral palsy spa... Read more
Technicians May Perform These Audiology Tests
Question: Which codes are acceptable for oto-techs to perform based on the Medicare rule... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Can You Append Modifier 57 to 31231?
Question: My ENT wants to append modifier 57 on an E/M to decide to schedule sinus surge... Read more
2009 CCI Puts More Restrictions on Turbinate Procedure Codes
You might face denial next time you use 30801 and a FESS code. If you thought the CPT ... Read more
Keep Your Coding Cool During Cold and Flu Season
If your office tests for flu, here's how to maximize your reimbursement You probably do... Read more
Take Care When Coding 30801 When Also Coding These Procedures
The Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) now bundles superficial shrinkage of the inferior tu... Read more
Make Good ROS Documents Routine to Avoid Charges of Overcoding E/Ms
Don't undercode the level-4 and -5 services your ENT performs. You already know that in... Read more
Success Story:
Thyroidectomy Lesson: Don't Give Up When Bundles Conflict
In 2009, this successful 60512 appeal would bring in $229. Appealing a 60512 denial can... Read more
  In Otolaryngology Coding Alert, Vol. 10, No. 12,the story “Bypass Septopl... Read more
Don't Report Tonsillectomy,Adenoidectomy Separately
Question: My otolaryngologist performs a tonsillectomy and secondary adenoidectomy. May ... Read more
Use 478.19 to Describe Runny Nose Dx
Question: What diagnosis code should I use for rhinorrhea? The only mention I find is 34... Read more
Call on Respiratory Dx for Wheezing
Question: Concerning the coding of acute bronchospasm (519.11), when is it appropriate t... Read more
You Be the Coder:
What Code is Right for This Artery Ligation?
Question: I am looking for a CPT code for -endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation.- I... Read more
Master Microscope Codes to Bring a Possible $200 Boost
Make proper use of +69990, 92504 to avoid rejection. Your ENT has invested training tim... Read more
Know Your Magnifiers for Microscope Coding Success
When you-re coding for the microscope use, find out which type of magnification your phy... Read more
Should Your Office Catch PQRI Fever?
Take a look at the new Category II codes before you shun 2 percent bonus. Does your EN... Read more
Physicians to Get on Board With E-Prescription
See if G8443-G8446 make sense for your practice. Another incentive next year will be th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Location Doesn't Factor in New vs. Established
Question: A patient shows up at our office complaining of an earache. An ENT at our bran... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Expect E/M Payment Without Patient
Question: Should we bill an office visit (99211-99215) for a consult with a family membe... Read more
Reader Questions:
Office or OR, the Code Remains the Same
Question: My doctor said he performed a flexible laryngoscopy with a tracheoscopy. He wa... Read more
Reader Questions:
Where Can I Find an Add-On Crosswalk?
Question: I am getting a denial for an add-on code, saying it was not billed with the co... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consider Mod 22 for 3-Hour Operation
Question: How should I report removal of all four of the parathyroid glands with one par... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Can We Code a Wrinkle-Filler to Treat Larynx?
Question: How should I bill for Radiesse injection done in the office? Can we bill 31570... Read more
Available Years:  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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