Otolaryngology Coding Alert

CPT 2005:
These 3 New Codes Help You Avoid Unlisted-Procedure Filing Hassles
You can replace 31599 and 92700 with 31545-31546Two new codes for laryngoscopy procedures ... Read more
How to Capture Separate-Site E/M Services
Look to admission date when coding outpatient-to-inpatient encountersYou won't miscode enc... Read more
Are You Making This Common Duel-E/M Coding Mistake?
3 scenarios test your outpatient originating admissions skillsYou can rest assured that yo... Read more
Reader Question:
Code Medically Necessary Monitoring
Question: An otolaryngologist performs unilateral thyroid surgery with laryngeal nerve mon... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Supracricoid Laryngectomy as Supraglottic
Question: How should I code supracricoid laryngectomy? Would you give an example or guidel... Read more
Reader Question:
How to Code an E/M With Scope, Mueller Test
Question: An otolaryngologist sees a patient for an initial consultation in which he revie... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to Modification When Choosing Lymph Removal Code
Question: My otolaryngologist performs a selective neck dissection of levels 1-3. How shou... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Should You Separately Report Restitching?
Question: To remove two facial lesions, including one that requires a flap, an otolaryngol... Read more
Do You Know the 3 Code Sets You Shouldn't Report This Fall?
NCCI bundles needle placement into thyroid-cyst aspirationIf you regularly report a consul... Read more
We Answer Your Hardest NG Coding Question
News flash: Goggle placement doesn't count as 92547 Sure, you want payment when y... Read more
Not-So-Elementary E/M:
Sometimes, You Should Bill a Pre-Op Visit
4 scenarios show you when to claim surgery-related reimbursementIf you assume that all E/M... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Report Excision With Tissue Transfer
Question: Does an excision code include reconstruction? For instance, when an otolaryngolo... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinct or Multiple: NCCI Answers Modifier Dilemma
Question: When should I use modifier -59 instead of modifier -51?Michigan Subscriber Answ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Sialolithotomy With 42330-42340
Question: An otolaryngologist uses an endoscope to examine a patient's salivary glan... Read more
Reader Question:
Vocal-Cord Operation Requires xxx99 Code
Question: How should I code a laryngoplasty when the otolaryngologist inserts a silicon sp... Read more
Reader Question:
ENT Patient Relationship Determines Visit Status
Question: When may I code a new patient office visit for a patient whom our otolaryngologi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
How to Code Revised Hyperparathyroidism Dx
Question: After a series of blood tests shows a patient has an elevated calcium level due ... Read more
Should You Appeal Medicare's E/M-69210 Bundles?
You deserve pay when the encounter meets 5 criteria Thanks to CMS' reporting guide... Read more
Go From 99213 to 99214 in 1 Easy Step
How 1997 guidelines may increase level of history, examination key components You could s... Read more
Don't Lump Audiogram Pay Into Adenoid's Global Period
 You can capture tymp-related care without using a modifier You can ethically captur... Read more
Don't Forfeit Your 'Unspecified Sinusitis' Pay
Here's the inside scoop on combating payers' 461.9 rejections If your allergy practice is... Read more
ICD-9 Update:
Prepare for 2005's Allergic Rhinitis Dx Code
You can finally code for animal hair, danderIf you want to avoid denials this fall when yo... Read more
Think You Need All 3 Components to Bill an E/M Code?
Counseling, established patients get you an encounter faster If you report an office visi... Read more
Modifier -59 Keeps Your Related Code Claims Clear
Append -59 when you can show a necessary separate service When a patient reports for a neb... Read more
Make Sure Your Consults Aren't Really Transferes of Care
Learn the difference between 'refer' and 'consult' When your allergist provides consultat... Read more
Reader Questions:
Charge 92504 With Unrelated/No Procedure
Question: I know I shouldn't charge G0268 in addition to 92504. But would you give some ex... Read more
Reader Questions:
Location Doesn't Impact Encounter Status
Question: A pediatrician requested my otolaryngologist's opinion on a premature newborn wh... Read more
Reader Questions:
Pulling on Ears Indicates Otalgia
Question: Based on a mother's complaint that her 3-year-old son who has tubes is pulling o... Read more
Reader Questions:
Microscope Determines Vocal Stripping Code
Question: What code should I report for laryngoscopic laser cordotomy? Ohio Subscriber An... Read more
Reader Questions:
TCI Posts Hearing-Aid V-Code Chart
Question: I enjoyed the July 2004 Otolaryngology Coding Alert article "Debunk This Hearing... Read more
Reader Questions:
Contact Payer for Bilateral 31255 Coding
Question: When an otolaryngologist performs a bilateral total ethmoidectomy, should I code... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Use This Modifier With 60512
Question: When my otolaryngologist performs a parathyroid transplantation, what code shoul... Read more
Reader Question:
Combine Same-Day E/Ms Into 1
Question: One of our allergists treated in our office a patient who has difficulty breathi... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Let Bee Stings Complicate Your E/M Coding
Question: A patient with complications from a bee sting presented to our office. Our aller... Read more
Reader Question:
Determine New Patient Status by 3-Year Rule
Question: Can we report a new patient code if a patient stops seeing one allergist in our ... Read more
Reader Question:
Breathe Easy When Coding Asthma Visits
Question: One of our asthma patients presented with a little chest tightness and required ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Do You Know When to Bill Debridement?
Question: My otolaryngologist performed an endoscopic partial septectomy for malignancy wi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Albuterol Pay Depends on the Right J Code
Question: Can we collect reimbursement for drugs such as Albuterol that we use in our alle... Read more
Ask Yourself 2 Questions to Report Post-Op Infections Correctly Every Time
If you're treating Medicare and private-payer claims the same, you could forfeit $80 or mo... Read more
Use Our Flow Chart to Simplify Your Post-Op Infection Coding
When surgeons treat postoperative infections during global periods, you should ask the fol... Read more
Don't Settle for Unilateral Pay With Bilateral Surgery
Correct modifiers increase payment for bilateral sinus endoscopies You're not alone if yo... Read more
Don't Cave to Bundling Pressure When It Comes to 95027
Are you confused about coding for intradermal dilutional testing? Your payers are, too, so... Read more
Reader Question:
Unclog Cerumen Removal Reimbursements
Question: Can we report cerumen removal separate from an E/M service, or is the wax remo... Read more
Reader Question:
Abide by This Steadfast Rule
Question: My physician saw a patient in the emergency room in 2001. That same patient ju... Read more
Reader Question:
Discharge 99234 After Midnight
Question: We had a patient in the hospital for an outpatient procedure who stayed the ni... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient's Status Drives Component E/M Coding
Question: During an office visit, our surgeon performed an expanded problem-focused hist... Read more
Reader Question:
Do You Have a Substitute Doctor? Use Modifier -Q6
Question: When each of our otolaryngologists takes two weeks of vacation, another physic... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Ethically Report Separate Ethmoidectomies
Question: Our physician performed a partial ethmoidectomy with nasal endoscopy on one si... Read more
Don't Throw In the Towel on Facial Nerve Monitoring Claims
With the right documentation and modifiers, some practices can earn big bucks It's... Read more
ICD-9 2005 Preview:
New 477.x Code Makes Billing Animal-Dander Rhinitis a Snap
Look forward to greater TMJ reporting specificity Do insurers request further information... Read more
Take 3 Steps to Fewer Modifier -25 Denials
If you don't use modifier -25 correctly, you might face a long appeal process, refund requ... Read more
Quick Key:
Get the NCCI 10.2 Rundown Here
Integrate these new otolaryngology bundles July 1 Forget fumbling through pages of edits ... Read more
Reader Question:
2 Steps to Effective -GA and ABN Use
Question: Our office is having problems with modifier -GA and Medicare when billing for ... Read more
Reader Question:
Preradiation Dental Extractions? Bill Unlisted
Question: When a patient with advanced head/neck carcinoma and advanced dental disease r... Read more
Reader Question:
Combine Same-Day E/Ms Into 1
Question: An otolaryngologist treats a patient in our office, then admits him to the hos... Read more
Reader Question:
Submental Mass Codes Vary Widely
Question: Which code should we use when we excise a submental mass? New York Subscriber... Read more
Reader Question:
Hearing Exam Providers, Beware: Facility Bills 92506
Question: I am a state-licensed audiologist in California. A primary-care physician requ... Read more
Reader Question:
92545 Tests Random-Motion Tracking
Question: How should I code audiologist-performed random saccade? Florida Subscriber ... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient Status Not Based on Creating Record
Question: When a patient presents to the office for the first time after our physician d... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to 30400 for Open Nasal Reconstruction
Question: Which code should we report when the physician performs an open nasal reconstr... Read more
You Be the Coder:
How Should We Code Off-the-Board Injections?
Question: A nurse administers three bee-venom injections containing five venoms. How sho... Read more
Debunk This Hearing Aid Coding Myth
Experts reveal V code secrets Think your hearing-services coding begins and ends with 9... Read more
Coding Quiz:
Biopsy or Excision? You Decide
Collect an extra $60 or more for complete,full-thickness lesion removals If you report 11... Read more
Get Ready for Allergy Season With a Diagnostic Checkup
Yellow codes won't cost you $52 You can avoid claim rejections for improper asthma coding... Read more
Patient's Status Will Get You the Right ICD-9 Code
Clip and post your guide to asthma's changing 5th digit You don't have to struggle deciph... Read more
Want to Make an Extra $8 Each Time You Report 99213?
If you know whose identification number -- the nonphysician practitioner's (NPP) or the al... Read more
Case Study:
1 Clever Rule Nets You Almost $230 for Repeat Asthmatic
Learn how to combine encounters to optimize your group practice pay You can ethically max... Read more
Injection Coding Basics
Don't confuse 90782 with immunotherapy shots Are you incorrectly assigning 90782 for inj... Read more
Reader Question:
Count Post-FESS Irrigation as Reduced Lavage
Question: An office nurse cleans a post-sinus surgery patient's nose with Hydro Pulse Na... Read more
Reader Question:
Separate-Procedure Rule Is Key to 92504 Pay
Question: When should I use 92504? I know I shouldn't charge 92504 with G0268. Would you... Read more
Reader Questions:
Capture Audiogram Pay in 42830's Surgical Package
Question: I performed bilateral myringotomy with tubes (10 global days) and an adenoidecto... Read more
Reader Question:
Code Labyrinthotomy Injection Once
Question: My otolaryngologist injects a steroid into a patient's tympanic membrane. Shou... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -59 Breaks 31256/31267 Bundle
Question: My otolaryngologist performed a bilateral endoscopic anterior ethmoidectomy (3... Read more
Reader Question:
Staple ZD Requires Unlisted-Procedure Code
Question: Which CPTcode should I use for an endoscopic staple-assisted Zenker's divertic... Read more
Reader Question:
Allergy Testing Comes Down to 95024 and 95027
  Question: Our local carrier requires us to use 95024 for skin testing. We have bee... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient's Status Drives Component E/M Coding
  Question: During an office visit, my allergist performed an expanded problem-focus... Read more
Reader Question:
1 Supply Adjustment You Should Make
  Question: AJ code injection's description specifies 100 mg. Our office administers... Read more
Reader Question:
You Can Recoup for Nasal Swabs
  Question: My allergist performed a nasal swab for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV... Read more
Reader Question:
Reporting RT-Assessment Services? Use 96150
  Question: Does a therapist qualify as a physician extender? A respiratory therapis... Read more
Reader Question:
Append Modifier -21 Only to Level-5 E/M Codes
  Question: Since there are no prolonged service codes for under 30 minutes of extra... Read more
You Be the Coder:
How Should We Code OR Trach Change?
Question: Our otolaryngologist changes a patient's trach every four to six months. Due t... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Office Visits and Peak Flow
  Question: I never know when to charge for peak flow separately or when the visit i... Read more
4 Steps Ensure That You Won't Sacrifice $550+ In Mastoidectomy Pay
Experts show you when to use the 10 initial mastoidectomy codes With more than $550 at st... Read more
1 Foolproof Way You Can Keep Mastoidectomy Codes Straight
Clip and post your 69501-69511, 69641-69646 breakdown guide to keep the reimbursement comi... Read more
Look for Hidden Cochlear Implant Reimbursement
Before billing, double-check which practitioner performed the service If your practice e... Read more
Don't Know Medicare's Cochlear Implant Service Requirements?
To keep Medicare's rules clear, use the following quick key... Read more
Reader Question - Endoscopic Epistaxis Control:
Use 31238
... Read more
Reader Question:
Cleaning Versus Excision: You Decide
Question: My otolaryngologist's notes state, "With a microscopic exam, I was able to see a... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Count Turbinate RF as Resection
Question: Should we report 30140 if the otolaryngologist performs turbinate Coblation? If ... Read more
Reader Question Score 150 Percent With Modifier -50
Question: Do the rules for Medicare's resource-based relative value system (RBRVS) mean th... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Which Codes Describe LAUP?
Question: Which code should I report when my otolaryngologist performs laser-assisted uvul... Read more
NCCI Cuts $44 From Parathyroidectomy-EMG
Update your Medicare study billing to 95867-59, 60500-60505 Starting April 1, you'll need... Read more
How to Add $25 or More to Your 60500, 64612, 92597 Claims
If you don't change your parathyroidectomy, chemodenervation and speech evaluation coding,... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Accessory Sinus Procedures With FESS
Question: My otolaryngologist performs endoscopic ethmoid polypectomy, endoscopic total ... Read more
3 Steps Get You the Right 21310-21330 Code
Save over $50 with this nasal fracture repair secret If you forget to report nose splints... Read more
2 Experts Help You Avoid Nasal Fracture Miscoding
Your 4 answers recoup $100-400 in 21310-21330 payYou can boil your 21310-21330 selection d... Read more
Case Study:
Recoup $53 for E/M With Laryngoscopy? You Decide
Chart note tests your modifier -25 knowledgeYou can avoid payers denying an office visit o... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -51 'Reduces' Subsequent-Procedure Pay
Question: When an otolaryngologist performs an operation through the same incision as the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Can You Find a Palate Control-of-Bleeding Code?
Question: An otolaryngologist removed a patient's palate lesion (42120) on 3/24/2004. The ... Read more
Reader Question:
How to Choose Between 235 and 239 Series
Question: What is the diagnostic difference between a neoplasm of uncertain behavior and a... Read more
Reader Question:
'Plasty,' Not Stenosis, Determines 69140 Versus 69310
Question: An otolaryngologist performs a canalplasty with osteoma excision. Should I repor... Read more
Insurers Are Recouping Reimbursement for E/M With Laryngoscopy
How to protect your 9921x-25 payIf you're billing laryngoscopy with established patient vi... Read more
2 Steps Get You Paid for Post-Septo/Turb Debridement
Use this argument to avoid and fight 31237 denialsYour payer just denied payment for 31237... Read more
Myth Buster:
You Need All 3 Components to Bill an E/M Code
Counseling, established patients get you an encounter faster  If you code an office v... Read more
Do You Need HEM for 992xx?
A clip-and-post chart shows the encounters' requirementsIf you're unsure how many componen... Read more
Here's What You Need to Know About Nebulizer Treatment and Training
4 questions resolve your 94664 and 94640 headachesIf denials for nebulizer training with t... Read more
How Accurate Is Your Asthma Diagnosis Coding?
Ensure proper payment with these ICD-9 coding strategiesCMS made your asthma-related diagn... Read more
Stumped by NCCI's Allergy Code Bundles? Not Anymore
Here's how the 'extensive procedure' designation affects your codingYou know by now that y... Read more
Don't Lose Sleep Over Medicare's New 99211 Rule
Why you'll now get paid for both 90780 and an E/MAlthough you can expect your reimbursemen... Read more
3 Requirements for 99211 You Can't Do Without
You can report a nurse-only visit with confidence as long as you apply the code when the n... Read more
Dispel 3 Telephone Care Coding Myths
Use time, service type and care complexity to recoup pay If you're not reporting ... Read more
Report 95115 When Patient Provides Serum
The answer to "You Be the Coder" in the Fourth Quarter 2003 Allergy Coding Alert should ha... Read more
Reader Question:
General Anesthesia Procedure Includes 92502
Question: An otolaryngologist inserts a tube in the right ear and performs an exam under a... Read more
Reader Question:
CMS Adopted Private Payers' 42826-42145 Bundle
Question: The March 2004 Otolaryngology Coding Alert states that the National Correct Co... Read more
Reader Question Simple Tool Gets You a Consultation's 3rd R
Question: What type of report meets a consultation's report requirement? Will carbon copyi... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Report 31575 With 31579
Question: May I bill a laryngoscopy and a videostroboscopy for a patient complaining of ho... Read more
Reader Question:
Update Your CRP Coding
Question: My otolaryngologist maneuvers a patient's head through a series of positions in ... Read more
Reader Question:
Go Online for Medicare's Surgical Package
Question: Where can I find the global postoperative period for different procedures, such ... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Family Consult a Patient Service
Question: A parent came in to discuss the care of his daughter, whom our allergist recentl... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Coding Two Sinus Biopsies
Question: Which procedural code(s) should I use for the following operative note: Endoscop... Read more
You Be The Coder:
Reporting 90782 Multiple Times
Question: Can I report 90782 for injection administration multiple times with multiple inj... Read more
Are You Coding Thyroidectomies With Neck Dissections Correctly?
"We'll tell you which lymph-removal codes to report with 60252 Following a thyroidectomy, ... Read more
Cochlear Implants:
How to Recoup an Extra $1,200 in Post-Op Services
4 guidelines get you the right diagnostic or rehab code If you're not coding for assessme... Read more
Let Documentation Lead You to Lesion Sample, Removal Code
  You can eliminate 11100 versus 114xx/116xx confusion if you look closely at your o... Read more
Reader Question:
Code Each Foreign-Body Removal
Question: An otolaryngologist removes a bead from each of a child's ears under anesthesia.... Read more
Reader Question:
Separately Bill Prosthesis Supplies
Question: Which CPT code(s) should I use for an in-office tracheo-esophageal voice prosthe... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier for Unusual Tonsillectomy-UPPP
Question: When my otolaryngologist performs tonsillectomy on an adult Medicare patient who... Read more
Reader Question:
Laryngoscopy Codes Could Include Telescope
Question: Is it correct to use 31541 if instead of using the microscope, the otolaryngolog... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -50 Works for Same FESS Procedure
Question: How should I report a bilateral antrostomy? Is 31267-50 correct?California Subsc... Read more
Reader Question:
Include Cholesteatoma Removal in Procedure
Question: Under general anesthesia, an otolaryngologist explores a chronic otitis media pa... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill Different Post-Op Infection
Question: A patient who had tympanostomy tubes presents within the global period with bila... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Nasal Vestibular Repair With Two Nasal Procedures
Question: My otolaryngologist performs a nasal vestibular stenosis repair (30465) as well ... Read more
What You Need to Know to Improve Your 31276 Billing
Expert reveals frontal sinus surgery requirements Frontal sinus surgery code 31276 has l... Read more
Case Study:
4 Answers Help You Report OM More Accurately
This info will get you beyond nonspecific code 382.9 You can use a specific otitis media ... Read more
3 Tips Guide You Through Payer-Specific CRP Coding
S9092 or even an E/M service is sometimes an acceptable option to 92700 Although no speci... Read more
Pollock Gives Audiology Talk
The information in December 2003's Otolaryngology Coding Alert article "3 Tips Improve You... Read more
State Licensure Determines Audiologist Qualifications
In the November 2003 Otolaryngology Coding Alert, the Reader Question "Credentials Determi... Read more
Reader Question:
Visit's Reason Drives Post-Op Service Coding
Question: How should I code a postoperative visit? Should I charge for the visit? Do I nee... Read more
Reader Question:
Bill 43752 Without Critical Care
Question: After a neonatal nurse couldn't insert a nasogastric tube into a critically ill ... Read more
Reader Question:
Global Package Applies to Surgeon Only
Question: A vacationing, out-of-state, non-Medicare post-tonsillectomy patient presents to... Read more
Reader Question:
Audio Signals G0268 Rather Than 69210
Question: When should I use new code G0268 for cerumen removal instead of 69210?Texas Subs... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to Payer for Monitoring Rules
Question: An otolaryngologist excises the submandibular gland with nerve monitoring in the... Read more
Reader Question:
Precertify Take-Home Sleep Tests
Question: When I report 95806-26 for sleep study interpretations with 780.53, Blue Cross d... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Bill Independent Middle-Ear Explorations
Question: My otolaryngologist performs middle-ear exploration with stapes mobilization. Sh... Read more
Get Ready to Recoup Your Pay for Hyoid Suspensions and Gold Weight Placements
How to report two new codes for these procedures  Good news: You'll save time an... Read more
Here Are 2 Changes That Will Ease Your Surgery Coding
Stars deletion, biopsy cuts top CPT 2004's simplification push If you were thinking the n... Read more
Did You Report Extra Codes for November's 'You Be the Coder'?
Give yourself a Grafting 101 review Otolaryngology Coding Alert's "Excision Requires Full... Read more
Use 4 Ways to Tell Diagnostic Allergy Codes Apart
Learn the ins and outs of using the 95004-95028 series Assigning the wrong allergy test ... Read more
Learn 3 Antigen Supervision Billing Basics
Spot the 95165 difference or forfeit pay If you're not clear on whether to bill 95115 or ... Read more
Be a Confident 95004-95028 Coder
An allergy-test chart simplifies your choices Can't remember which allergy tests refer t... Read more
Avoid -Q5 and -Q6 Denials
2 scenarios show you how to report stand-in services  When your allergist takes a va... Read more
Clip-and-Save Checklist:
9 Tips for Recouping Your
You can avoid unnecessary stress this holiday season when you report reciprocal billing ar... Read more
News You Can Use:
NCCI Creates Immunotherapy Prep and Diagnostic Bundles
Thanks to version 9.3 of the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI), you'll have to upd... Read more
Reader Question:
Track E/M Components With New Category II Codes
Question: I heard that a new code section is coming in CPT 2004. What is it and how will... Read more
Reader Question:
Code 92543 Represents Each Irrigation
Question: When an audiologist uses electroneurography (ENG) to record caloric vestibular t... Read more
Reader Question:
31231, 31575 Require New Modifier
Question: When an otolaryngologist performs fiberoptic nasal sinus endoscopy and fiberopti... Read more
Reader Question:
A Confirmatory Consult Confirms a Medical Opinion
Question: Shouldn't you report 99271-99275 as the answer to the November 2003 Reader Quest... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Total Time to Prevent Downcoding
Question: An insurer downcodes E/M visits because the diagnoses don't support the service ... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Supply Codes for EMLA Application
Question: We apply EMLA cream to numb the skin before giving immunotherapy injections. Ins... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Office Visit Code for Bee Sting Counseling
Question: The mother of a 10-year-old patient who is allergic to bee stings wants to consu... Read more
Reader Question:
Report 94799 for MIP and MEP Tests
Question: Recently, Medicare denied my claim for 94799, which I used when my allergist per... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Parathyroidectomy Leads to Lobectomy
Question: During a parathyroidectomy for a malignant tumor, the otolaryngologist encounter... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Billing Biweekly Allergy Shots
Question: A patient who requires immunotherapy due to hay fever brings in serum for his bi... Read more
Available Years:  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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