Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Relieve the Pressure:
PE Tube Code Tops List of Revised and New CPT Codes for 2003
Otolaryngologists should watch for the new ven... Read more
CPT Introduces New Evaluative and Therapeutic Services Codes
CPT created a new section (92601-92617), Evaluative and Therapeutic Services, which in... Read more
Lesion Coding for 2003 Changes the Measurement Rules
One of the biggest changes for CPT 2003, which will affect virtually all practices, ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Hospital After-Care
Question: When our physicians see a patient in the hospital following surgery, we have... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Sinusotomy Versus Endoscopy Codes
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Breakdown Scar Revision Repair With Three Methods
Even though medical necessity is a driving force in receiving reimbursement for sc... Read more
Stand Up to Observation Coding With Seven Scenarios
When an otolaryngologist admits a patient to observation status, keeping the num... Read more
CCI 8.3:
Audiometry Defense Heard Loud and Clear
Otolaryngology practices can now bill separately for two previously bundled... Read more
Speed Private-Payer Payment of CRP With Medicare Statement
When you bill private insurers for the canalith repositioning procedure (CRP), some pa... Read more
Counseling Vertigo Patients
Question: We have a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) on our staff. Her primary... Read more
Panendoscopies for Cancer
Question: How should we code for triple endoscopies to receive reimbursement for... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Deciphering Payer Policies on CRP
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki... Read more
Stop Twitching Over Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring With Six Tips
Even though Medicare has always been impossibly stingy when it comes to reimbursem... Read more
Know the Three Key Elements of Modifier -59
To use modifier -59 (Distinct procedural service), make sure the incident meets th... Read more
Four Distinct Scenarios Shine Light on Modifier -59
Overuse of modifier -59 (Distinct procedural service) raises red flags and invit... Read more
News Brief:
Look Forward to Some Bundling Wins
CMS has decided to delete a long-standing edit of two audiometry codes. Since 1996, t... Read more
ICD-9 for 2003:
No Need to Blink
Otolaryngologists don't need to spend much time learning new diagnoses codes for 200... Read more
Reader Question:
Turbinates and Septoplasty
Question: Insurance companies are bundling inferior turbinate resection and ... Read more
Reader Question:
Professional Services
Question: What are the guidelines for reporting professional services? ... Read more
Reader Question:
Microscopy As a Separate Service
Question: Please verify the proper way to bill for CPT code 92504. I was unaware t... Read more
Reader Question:
Same-Day Consult and Procedure
Question: My otolaryngologist is asked by the patient's internist to see a... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Sleep Study
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looki... Read more
Stop Oozing Reimbursement With Post-Tonsillar Bleeding Fundamentals
" Because three different codes describe post-tonsillar bleeding, correct coding can be ... Read more
Know the Rules to Reap Benefits of Audiology Assistants
Although audiology technicians may assist audiologists in audiologic and vestibula... Read more
News Brief:
Look for Revised Place-of-Service Indicators in 2003
As part of its proposed revisions to the 2003 Physician Fee Schedule, CMS has recommen... Read more
Reader Question:
Parathyroidectomy:Excision and Exploration
" Question: A patient has hyperparathyroidism. The doctor explores the parathyroid and e... Read more
Reader Question:
X-Ray Consultations
Question: In the July 2002 Otolaryngology Coding Alert a reader had a question regar... Read more
Reader Question:
Sick Visit During a Different Global Period
Question: A patient who has tubes develops ear drainage six weeks postoperative. Altho... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Tympanoplasty Requiring Graft
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Come to Equal Terms When Billing for Postop Tube Removal
" When you bill postoperative tympanostomy care for the same otolaryngologist who place... Read more
Three Keys Unlock the Mysteries of Botox Injections
Although numerous local medical review policies (LMRPs) cover Botox injections for... Read more
The Demands of Botox:
Freeze Claims That Fail Documentation Rules
To receive reimbursement for Botox treatment for laryngeal spasms (478.75) or spasti... Read more
Speed Claims Processing With Unlisted-Procedure Code Letter
Claims with unlisted-procedure codes require special documentation to explain the pr... Read more
CCI Update:
CMS Reverses Nasal Vestibular Stenosis Repair Bundle
Otolaryngology practices can breathe easier now that the Correct Coding Initiative (... Read more
Reader Question:
Anaphylactic Reaction
Question: After a patient receives an allergy injection, she has an anaphylactic react... Read more
Reader Question:
Determining E/M Level
Question: What level of E/M should be reported when the nature of the patient's proble... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Same-Day Septoplasty and Control of Epistaxis
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking... Read more
Payment for Canalith Repositioning Procedure Is Carrier-Specific
Otolaryngologists frequently use canalith repositioning to treat patients with b... Read more
Request, Review, Return:
Meet the Three Rs of Consultations
You should code a consultation if the otolaryngologist: provides the requesting ... Read more
Reader Question:
Laceration Repair
Question: If residents under my supervision in the emergency department repair a lacer... Read more
Reader Question:
Radiofrequency of Soft Palate
Question: How should I code radiofrequency reduction of the soft palate? Indiana Subs... Read more
Reader Question:
Preoperative Counseling
Question: We have a father and a son scheduled for surgery on the same day. The wife/m... Read more
Reader Question:
Payment for Snoreplasty
Question: Our otolaryngologist performed an injection to harden the uvula and palate f... Read more
Reader Question:
X-Ray Interpretations
Question: The otolaryngologist I work for reads CT scans and MRIs and wants to bill co... Read more
Reader Question:
New or Established Patient
Question: The otolaryngologist sees a patient in the hospital and performs a tracheost... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifiers and Thyroidectomy
Question: A patient had surgery for bilateral partial thyroid lobectomy (60210-50), wi... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier -50 for Bilateral FESS
Question: Should we append modifier -50 (Bilateral procedure) to 31237 (Nasal/sinus ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Removal of PE Tubes
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Making the Most of Modifiers:
Obtain Payment for Same-day E/M and Procedure
Most procedures (those with zero-, 10- or 90-day global periods, as well as diagnost... Read more
Nonphysician Practitioner Coding:
Ensure Proper Payment for Audiology and Allergy Testing
The level of supervision required for audiology and allergy tests performed by nonphys... Read more
Reader Question:
Consultations in the Emergency Department
Question: The otolaryngologist is on call for the emergency department (ED). He sees a... Read more
Reader Question:
Physician Interpretations of Audiology Tests
Question: The audiologist in our practice sees a patient and provides hearing tests, whi... Read more
Reader Question:
Endoscopy With Polypectomy
Question: The otolaryngologist's notes state that endoscopic sinus surgery with right ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reduced Payment for Multiple Procedures
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
CCI Version 8.1 Nasal Vestibular Stenosis Repair, Cerumen Removal Top List of Edits
Correct Coding Initiative version 8.1 (CCI 8.1) (effective April 1-June 30, 2002) in... Read more
Use Modifier for Cases Involving UPPP and Tonsillectomy
Coders who bundle tonsillectomy code 42826 with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) code ... Read more
Optimize Payment for Interpreting Sleep Studies
Otolaryngologists who treat or counsel patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) often... Read more
Reader Question:
Excision of Preauricular Sinus
Question: How should we code excision of a preauricular sinus? Vermont Subscriber Answ... Read more
Reader Question:
Ear Exam Under Anesthesia
Question: The physician who originally placed the bilateral myringotomy tubes removed th... Read more
Reader Question:
Alloplastic Implants
Question: The otolaryngologist performed open treatment of an orbital floor blowout frac... Read more
Reader Question:
Return to Operating Room
Question: Should I use modifier -78 or -55 when the otolaryngologist performs debridemen... Read more
Reader Question:
Auditory Brainstem Response
Question: Does the E/M code for a procedure performed on the same day as an auditory bra... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Laryngotracheoplasty With Graft
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking a... Read more
Medical Necessity Must Support Billing Separately From Ethmoidectomy
Otolaryngologists often report difficulties billing turbinate procedures with endoscopic... Read more
Related Services Definition Critical to Coding Post-Op Services
Procedures can be "related" in different ways. For example, Medicare considers treatment... Read more
Caldwell-Luc Surgery Can Be Billed with FESS and Bilaterally
With the advent of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), most sinus patients no lo... Read more
Reader Question:
LAUP and Medicare
Question: How should we code laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) on sleep apnea pati... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow-Up Consult vs. Subsequent Care
Question: Our otolaryngologist consulted a plastic surgeon on a patient who sustained faci... Read more
Reader Question:
Bilateral Endoscopy
Question: Can we bill 31237 bilaterally? We have been billing only unilaterally.Florida Su... Read more
Reader Question:
Cholesteatoma Removal
Question: How should I code excision of a cholesteatoma of the external auditory canal (EA... Read more
Reader Question:
Foreign Body in Earlobe
Reviewed on May 21, 2015   Question: How should we code an incision to remove... Read more
Reader Question:
Hearing Perception Diagnosis
Question: Our otolaryngologist performed audiometric testing on a patient with a hearing p... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Office Visit Based on Time
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Billing Considerations Clear Passages to Reimbursement
" Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a relatively common otolaryngological proc... Read more
CPT Pinpoints Fine Needle Aspiration Codes
CPTs introduction of 10021 (Fine needle aspiration; without imaging guidance) and 10022 ... Read more
Blom-Singer Prosthesis; Graft and Tympanoplasty
 You Be the Coder: Blom-Singer Prosthesis, appearing in Otolaryngology Coding Alert&n... Read more
Use Repair, Flap or Graft Codes to Report Mohs Reconstruction
Although a dermatologist or plastic surgeon typically performs Mohs micrographic surg... Read more
Reader Question:
Tonsillectomy and Adenoids
Question: The otolaryngologist performs a tonsillectomy on a 3-year-old boy. Suction caute... Read more
Reader Question:
Tympanic Membrane
Question: Is there a code for microscopic debridement and cautery of scar tissue of the ty... Read more
Reader Question:
Laryngoscopy and Infants
Question: Can we code 31520 if a patient is 3 months old?Alabama Subscriber  Answer:... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Submental Mass
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Location, Size and Procedures Are Key to Coding Accuracy
CPT 2002 distinguishes more than a dozen glossectomy-related codes from one another, b... Read more
Tonsillectomy/UPPP Bundling:
Clear the Way to Payment
Otolaryngologists who review Correct Coding Initiative version 8.0 (CCI 8.0) may be d... Read more
Sinus Surgery Procedures Offer Coding Challenges
Coders may have noticed that the five codes at the end of the Sinus Endoscopy section of C... Read more
Reader Question:
Allergy Injection Billing
Question: A patient visits the otolaryngologists office for weekly allergy injections that... Read more
Reader Question:
Caloric Vestibular Testing
Question: The otolaryngologist performs a caloric vestibular test with recording. Two wa... Read more
Reader Question:
Tympanic Membrane Debridement
Question: The otolaryngologist performed microscopic debridement and cautery of scar tissu... Read more
Reader Question:
Complex Terminated Procedure
Question: This is an operative report on a lesion of the cheek that my otolaryngologist at... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M and Audiology Tests
Question: Our practice has started to receive denials for E/M services provided during the... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Evaluation of Swallowing
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
How To Choose the Correct Diagnostic Endoscopy Code
" Coding diagnostic nasal endoscopy can prove a challenge, considering a handful of codes ... Read more
CCI Revisions:
Long-Standing Coding Policies Modified
Otolaryngologists and their coders will want to pay close attention to Correct Coding ... Read more
Reader Question:
Second Excision
Question: The otolaryngologist excises a skin lesion that returns from the pathology lab a... Read more
Reader Question:
Biopsy of Tonsil
Question: How should a punch excisional biopsy of the left tonsil be coded? Tennessee... Read more
Reader Question:
Graft and Tympanoplasty
Question: Can we bill separately for graft harvesting when a tympanoplasty is performed?... Read more
Reader Question:
Tube Removal and Replacement
Question: A patient with a long history of eustachian tube dysfunction visits the otolar... Read more
Reader Question:
Labyrinthotomy and Injections
Question: The labyrinthotomy with injection was reported using 69801, a procedure that has... Read more
Reader Question:
TMJ Massage Therapy
Question: A patient visits the otolaryngologists office regularly for massage of his tem... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Blom-Singer Prosthesis
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Available Years:  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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