Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Make Coding and Billing Procedures Easier To Swallow
" Although it is frequently performed and relatively straightforward, tonsillectomy may c... Read more
Fine-Tune the Reporting of Bilateral Middle-Ear Repair
Although otolaryngologists generally do not perform middle-ear repairs on both ears on t... Read more
Fee Schedule To Determine Bilateral Status of Codes
The number in column S of the Fee Schedule indicates whether a code can be billed bilater... Read more
Anthrax Coding Report Free on Web
Physicians and other healthcare professionals who provide services to any patients with ac... Read more
Reader Question:
Spinal Surgery and Modifier -62
Question: The otolaryngologist did the approach for an orthopedist who performed a spinal ... Read more
Reader Question:
tracheoesophageal puncture
Question: How should I code a tracheoesophageal puncture?South Dakota Subscriber &n... Read more
Reader Question:
Re-Excision of Lesions
Question: There are two possibilities when performing surgery for carcinoma of the skin wi... Read more
Reader Question:
Facial Nerve Monitoring
Question: The otolaryngologist resects a facial neuroma. Nerve monitoring is... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding for Ludwig Angina
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before loo... Read more
Operating Microscope and Allergy Revisions Top List of 2002 CPT Changes
An advance look at the 2002 CPT manual reveals a few changes that otolaryngologi... Read more
Code 60271 for Thyroidectomy Using Cervical Approach
" The August issue of Otolaryngology Coding Alert had an article about coding thyroid pr... Read more
Medicare Carriers Instructed To Accept Posttest Diagnoses
Medicare carriers across the nation have long differed on whether physicians who perform... Read more
Reader Question:
Placement and Removal of Silastic Sheeting
Question: A Lynch-type transorbital frontal sinusotomy is performed on a severely ment... Read more
Reader Question:
Hoarseness Diagnosis
Question: A male patient who is two years post- carcinoma of the larynx sees the otolary... Read more
Reader Question:
Post-Tonsillectomy Bleed Control in the OR
Question: When we have a postoperative tonsillectomy bleed, the patient is returned to t... Read more
Reader Question:
Changing Prosthesis
Question: How should we code a TEP (tracheo-esophageal-pharyngeal) prosthesis change? Ou... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Nosebleed Bundled With Sinus Endoscopy
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Answer Five Crucial Questions for Tympanic Repair To Determine Code Selection
Several factors make the selection of a tympanic repair code difficult. Probably ... Read more
Dos and Don'ts
The parathyroids comprise a number of glands that sit underneath and, sometimes, ... Read more
Most But Not All Grafts Arent Separately Payable
Tympanic repair by definition involves some form of graft, from paper patch to more sophis... Read more
Reader Question:
Facial Nerve Monitoring
Question: An otolaryngologist monitored a patient's facial nerves during a parotidectomy... Read more
Reader Question:
Inpatient Admission
Question: If a physician sees a patient and admits him on the same day, how should he bi... Read more
Reader Question:
Gentamicin Injections
Question: A patient complaining of dizziness is scheduled for a labyrinthectomy but is u... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Medialization Thyroplasty
" Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before l... Read more
Diagnostic Endoscopy Codes Offer Reimbursement Opportunities
Improper coding for diagnostic endoscopies can sometimes result in the loss of sig... Read more
Modifier -62 Proves Co-Surgery and Aids in Pay Up
Otolaryngologists sometimes perform surgeries with other specialists. In such cas... Read more
Refile Denied Same-Day E/M, Diagnostic Test Claims
In October 2000, version 6.3 of the national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) added more th... Read more
Reader Question:
Use 90782-90788 for Injections
Question: Which code is used to report injection administration: 99211, 90782 or 90788? ... Read more
Reader Question:
Malformation on One Side, Rule Out on the Other
Question: What diagnosis code should I use for audiology tests? The notes read as follows:... Read more
Reader Question:
Esophagoscopy Requires Payable Diagnosis
Question: A physician performed a laryngoscopy (31541) on a patient with a polyp of voca... Read more
Reader Question:
Cancer Diagnosis Should Be Avoided
Question: When our practice bills a triple endoscopy to Medicare, we code each procedure... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding for the Epley Maneuver
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before ... Read more
Four Tips To Optimize Thyroidectomy Billing
" Thyroidectomies and other related excisions pose unique coding problems for otolary... Read more
Use CPT Terminology To Ensure Correct Coding
Otolaryngologists have long been urged to document all procedures performed to ensure ... Read more
The June issue of Otolaryngology Coding Alert incorrectly stated that when billin... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier -22 for Multiple Trach Tube Changes
Question: The otolaryngologist was called to the emergency room to examine a patient, wh... Read more
Reader Question:
Removal of Foreign Body From Nasopharynx
Question: The otolaryngologist recently performed an esophagoscopy with removal on a c... Read more
Reader Question:
Esophagoscopy Requires Payable Diagnosis
Question: My physician performed a laryngoscopy, with operating microscope, excision of ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Intubation for UPPP
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before ... Read more
Precise Op Note Terminology Is Crucial When Billing Turbinate Procedures
" The various CPT codes involving turbinate procedures are not always easily differenti... Read more
Laceration Repair
The June issue of Otolaryngology Coding Alert incorrectly stated that a 22-cm lacerati... Read more
Regulations Ease 95165 Billing but Also Add Requirements
Providers who mix more than one vial of antigen may now bill Medicare for the total nu... Read more
HCFA Briefs:
New Modifiers Introduced
HCFA (now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS) deleted modifier -GX (... Read more
HCFA Briefs:
Medicare Carriers Instructed To Accept Pre-Op Clearance V Codes
HCFA has revised section 15047 of the Medicare Carriers Manual (MCM) to ensure that ... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -58 With Cancer Treatment Following Biopsy
Question: Many of our biopsy procedures have a 10-day global period. What is the purpose... Read more
Reader Question:
Multiple Consults, One Patient
Question: We saw a new patient, charged for a consult, put tubes in, then returned the... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Nasal Obstruction
Test your coding knowledge.  Determine how you would code this situation before... Read more
Visits After Trach Are Often Payable, but Trach Changes Usually Arent
Coding and billing for tracheostomies or related procedures can be confusing because many ... Read more
Payment for Add-on Codes Should Be 100 Percent of Fee Schedule
Although the add-on designation in CPT applies to many procedures and services ranging f... Read more
HCFA Releases Draft of Simple Advance Beneficiary Notice
HCFA has released a draft version of a new advance beneficiary notice (ABN) form designed ... Read more
Reader Question:
Assistant Surgeon
Question: Two otolaryngologists work at the same clinic. One assists the other in a proced... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -59 With Tonsillectomy and UPPP
Question: What is the appropriate way to bill a tonsillectomy done with a UPPP? Should w... Read more
Reader Question:
Not All Carriers Have Removed Edit of Tests and E/M
Question: Has anyone had any trouble having 92531 and 92532 bundled with an E/M service? T... Read more
Reader Question:
Surgical Patties
Question: A neurosurgeon has asked our otolaryngologist to insert Codman Surgical Patties ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Bronchoscopy for TEP Aspiration
Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at... Read more
Obtain Reimbursement for Post-FESS Services
Persistence may be your strongest weapon in the battle for payment for post-sinus surger... Read more
Contact Carrier Beforehand to Avoid Botox Denials
Coverage and billing policies for Botox injections to treat spastic dysphonia and related ... Read more
Reader Question:
Tympanoplasty Includes Graft
Question: My otolaryngologist performed a type I tympanoplasty with temporalis fascia graf... Read more
Reader Question:
Tracheostomy Global Surgical Package
Question: One of our physicians performed a tracheostomy on a patient with laryngeal carci... Read more
Reader Question:
Removal of Nasal Septal Button
Question: My otolaryngologist wants to bill for the removal of a nasal septal button. I do... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Tonsillith Diagnosis Code
Question: What diagnosis should we use for tonsillith (stones of the tonsils that can fl... Read more
Proof of Medical Necessity Crucial for Reimbursement of Non-cosmetic Nasal Repairs
Nasal repair procedures such as rhinoplasties are among the most difficult services to obt... Read more
Seek Predetermination of Benefits for Stenosis Repair
For otolaryngologists, the introduction of 30465 (repair of nasal vestibular stenosis [e.g... Read more
Case Study:
Office-to-office Cooperation Vital When Two Surgeons Perform Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
Usually, an otolaryngologist operating alone will perform an endoscopic dacryocystorhinost... Read more
Reader Question:
HCPCS Swallowing Evaluation Codes
Question: Should our speech pathologist use the new HCPCS codes G0193 and G0194 instead of... Read more
Reader Question:
Excision or Destruction of Intranasal Lesion
Question: Would 30117 be correct for the following procedure: The papillomas in the left n... Read more
Reader Question:
Polyp Excision Includes Exam Under Anesthesia
Question: My otolaryngologist coded a surgical session as follows: 69540 69424 ventil... Read more
Reader Question:
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Question: Im having problems getting paid when I perform audiology and the tests reveal th... Read more
Reader Question:
Preoperative Counseling
Question: We have a father and a son scheduled for surgery on the same day. The wife/mot... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Question: Can we receive payment for endosheaths?Kansas SubscriberTest your coding knowled... Read more
Predetermination of Payment Is Crucial When Billing Somnoplasty Procedures
Somnoplasty, a technique that uses low-energy, low-temperature radio-frequency to remove... Read more
Deletion of 61795-FESS Edits Promises Greater Reimbursement
HCFA now says otolaryngologists may bill separately for stereotactic guidance (i.e., Insta... Read more
E/M-Test Edits Rescinded, but Modifier -25 Still Required
HCFA has suspended edits of evaluation and management (E/M) services with diagnostic tests... Read more
Reader Question:
Cerumen Removal Bundled With Audiology Tests
Question: When we bill cerumen removal with office visits and audiology testing, the cerum... Read more
Reader Question:
Indirect Laryngoscopy With E/M
Question: May we bill separately for the use of a laryngeal mirror during a physical exam?... Read more
Reader Question:
Nasal Exam Under General Anesthesia
Question: Our ENT physician examined only the nose of a young patient under anesthesia for... Read more
Reader Question:
Two E/Ms, Same Day
Question: An established patient arrived for a scheduled visit and the doctor performed a ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Wound Debridement and Lip Repair
Question: Our physician wants to code for wound debridement of the hard palate and eye soc... Read more
Provider-Insurer Communication Crucial When Billing for Post-tonsillar Bleed Control
Post-tonsillar bleeds are controlled during the global period of another procedure. This c... Read more
Decision-making Involved in Vertigo Differential Diagnosis Determines E/M Level
Vertigo, or dizziness, can have many potential diagnoses, but otolaryngologists should not... Read more
Breaking News:
HCFA Rejects Modifier -60
HCFA has decided not to recognize modifier -60 (altered surgical field). The new modifie... Read more
Tympanostomy Tubes
The November 2000 Otolaryngology Coding Alert incorrectly stated that the removal of tympa... Read more
Reader Question:
I&D of Parotid Abscess
Question: What codes should be used for incision and drainage (I&D) and needle aspiration ... Read more
Reader Question:
Telephone Consultations
Question: The mother of one of our child patients spoke on the phone to our physician abou... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -GA
Question: Is there a modifier for billing a noncovered service to indicate the patient si... Read more
Reader Question:
NG Intubation
Question: How do you code insertion of a nasogastric tube (NG) done in the emergency depar... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Followup Visit After Consult
Question: One of our otolaryngologists saw a Medicare patient for a consultation. Three w... Read more
Cite November 1999 Federal Register to Bolster Modifier -25 Audiology Claims
Even though audiology tests now bundle evaluation and management (E/M) services, both shou... Read more
Case Study:
Weak Description in Op Note Makes Procedure Nonpayable
Multiple sinus endoscopies performed during the same operative session are separately bill... Read more
HCFA Letter Supports Using Modifier -25 With One Diagnosis
On March 27, 1998, Terrence L. Kay, the director of HCFAs division of practitioner and amb... Read more
Osseointegrated Implants
The December Otolaryngology Coding Alert listed four new codes that describe either imp... Read more
Reader Question:
Ear Wick Placement Part of E/M Service
Question: Is there a code for placement of an ear wick?Virginia Subscriber Answer: Typical... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Must Be Significant and Lead to Procedure
Question: A patient presented complaining of popping ears. The otolaryngologist examined t... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Exam, Tube Removal and Polyp Debridement
Question: How should I code for an exam of the ears under anesthesia, removal of tympanost... Read more
Available Years:  2001  2000  1999  

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