Otolaryngology Coding Alert

Increase Pay Up for Laser Ablation of Turbinates
Otolaryngologists should not code electrocautery or laser ablation of turbinates as a turb... Read more
Tympanostomy Post-op Care May Be Overlooked Payment Source
Although an otolaryngologist may not bill for ear tube removal when he or she performed th... Read more
Medical Necessity Key for Biopsy, Test Reimbursement
Getting reimbursed for biopsies or diagnostic testing can be difficult because otolaryng... Read more
Screening Tests Are the Exception
In the case of screening tests, hospital and physician coders operate under different gui... Read more
Diagnosis Is Key Factor When Coding Botox Injections
Correct coding for botox injections depends not only on the instrumentation used to deli... Read more
Reader Question:
Fixing Nasal Valve Deformity
Question: What is the proper code for a septoplasty with correction of nasal valve deformi... Read more
Reader Question:
Fiberoptic Intubation
Question: What is the code for a fiberoptic intubation?Dr. Brandeisky, DOToms River, NJ An... Read more
Reader Question:
Routine Use of Mirror Should Not Be Billed Separately
Question: During our routine comprehensive office exam, we also perform indirect laryngosc... Read more
When E/M Supports Use of Flexible Laryngoscopy, Payment More Likely to Follow
When an otolaryngologist performs an evaluation and management service and a flexible la... Read more
Otolaryngologists Cant Bill for Use of Surgical Microscope
Medicare will not pay when CPT code 69990 (use of operating microscope [list separately in... Read more
ENG Now Medicares Only Paid Vestibular Function Test
When otolaryngologists test patients with vertigo to determine the source of their dizzine... Read more
Difficult to Bill Lymph Node Removal at Same Time as Tonsillectomy
When an otolaryngologist discovers and excises a retropharyngeal lymph node while performi... Read more
Reader Question:
Septoplasty for Ethmiod Access Unlikely to Get Paid
Question: We recently billed for ESS with an NSR (nasal septum repair). The NSR was listed... Read more
Reader Question:
Trach Tube Change Billed as Office Visit
Question: What is the proper code for tracheotomy tube change? And can it be billed with a... Read more
Reader Question:
No Specific Code for Laser Use
Question: How would you code a direct laryngoscopy w/excision of tumor and/or stripping of... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier -22 For Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Question: Can 31070 (sinusotomy frontal, external, simple [trephine operation]) and 31276 ... Read more
Reader Question:
No Grafting Code Used if Cartilage Obtained From Specimen
Question: What CPT code would you recommend using for nasal alar reconstruction using a ca... Read more
Cerumen Removal:
Ease Reimbursement Frustrations with Correct Coding
Coding for cerumen removal involves varying strategies depending on the scenario. Removing... Read more
Documentation is Crucial with Medicare Revision when Coding for Consultations
Documentation is still the key to getting paid for consultations, because while a recent M... Read more
Avoid Billing Endoscopic Sinusotomies as Open Procedures
Otolaryngologists could be walking the envelope of fraud in using open sinusotomy codes (... Read more
Reader Question:
Not all Edits are Found in NCCI
Question: Why is procedure 42826-51 (tonsillectomy, primary or secondary; age 12 or over) ... Read more
Reader Question:
Correct Modifier for Post-Op
Question: When billing for procedure code 31231 (nasal endoscopy, diagnostic, unilateral o... Read more
Reader Question:
Botox Injection Codes Vary by Instrumentation
Question: We are coding Botox injections with 31599 (unlisted procedure, larynx). Is there... Read more
Tips on Successfully Billing E/M and Endoscopic Debridement on the Same Day
A new patient comes into your practice with complaints of recurrent sinusitis, headache, a... Read more
Denied Services:
Follow Three Key Steps to Successfully Appeal Denials
Denials for services ethically claimed are an irritating and fairly frequent occurrence fo... Read more
Proving Medical Necessity is Key to Facial Plastic Surgery Reimbursement
Patients who have facial injuries from an accident or who have cancer of the head, neck or... Read more
Modifier -59:
Its Not a License to Unbundle and Could Be a Red Flag for an Audit
Typically, modifier -59 is used to identify a procedure that would be considered bundled i... Read more
Reader Question:
Consult or Referral in ER
Question: An 80-year-old male patient is seen three times within 36 hours in the ER for ep... Read more
Avoid Denials for Procedures and E/M Services Performed the Same Day
Otolaryngology practices often report denials for claims arising from office procedures pe... Read more
Billing Multiple Procedures Requires More Than Modifier -51
When two or more procedures are performed by a physician in the office on the same day, ... Read more
Getting Paid for New CPT Operating Microscope Code
Although CPT code 69990 (operating microscope) was introduced less than a year ago, questi... Read more
Separate Diagnosis Key to Successful Use of Modifier -24
Like any treatment directly related to the original procedure, routine complications follo... Read more
Reader Question:
Stereotactic Code 61795 Has No Components
Question: Please clarify when an ENT surgeon can charge CPT code 61795 (stereotactic compu... Read more
Reader Question:
Cerumen Removal Bundled Into Hearing Tests
Question: A patient has crusting in the ear canal and/or around the drum. What is the prop... Read more
Reader Question:
Stapedectomy and Tympanoplasty Coded Separately
Question: A stapedectomy revision is done because the prosthesis has punctured the eardrum... Read more
Documentation Key to Maximizing Sinus Surgery Reimbursement
Getting reimbursed correctly for sinosurgery can be difficult. If, for example, an otolary... Read more
Reimbursement Tips for Allergy Injections and Supplies
Otolaryngologists frequently place patients suffering from allergies on injection programs... Read more
Payer Coommunication Key:
How to Determine When to Use Modifier -25 or -57
When an otolaryngologist performs a nasal endoscopy (31238) on a Medicare patient who come... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding for New Technology
Question: In our office, we usually do direct laryngoscopy (31575) and a sinus scope (3123... Read more
Reader Question:
E/M Coding for Stopping Nosebleeds
Question: How should I code for cauterization of electrocoagulation and still get reimburs... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding for Snoring Treatment
Question: Has a new CPT code been established for somnoplasty procedures for snoring (i.... Read more
Reader Question:
PE Tube Removal
Question: How should we bill for the removal of bilateral PE tubes that were initially ins... Read more
Available Years:  1999  

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