Reader Questions:
Several Views, but Only 2 Codes
Published on Mon Jan 23, 2006
Question: Our surgeon ordered three x-ray views of one knee, with the patient lying down. Then he ordered one weight-bearing view for comparison. Our x-ray technician performed the service and wanted to report 73565 and 73562, but we aren't sure if that's appropriate. Would you advise?
Kansas Subscriber
Answer: Based on your description, you should report the services as follows:
- 73562--Radiologic examination, knee; three views
- 73560-59--Radiologic examination, knee; one or two views; Distinct procedural service. You should append the appropriate site modifier RT (Right side) or LT (Left side) to each x-ray code, depending on which knee the orthopedist treated.
You should not report 73565 (Radiologic examination, knee; both knees, standing, anteroposterior) because you shot a weight-bearing view of only one knee. You should report 73565 only when the x-ray tech shoots both knees on a single cassette while the patient is standing.