Question: Idaho Subscriber Answer: For example, the surgeon removes both a coccygeal pressure ulcer and a sacral pressure ulcer with ostectomy. Report 15920 (Excision, coccygeal pressure ulcer, with coccygectomy; with primary suture) and 15935 (Excision, sacral pressure ulcer, with skin flap closure; with ostectomy). In addition, the orthopedic surgeon uses a fullthickness graft to close the sacral pressure ulcer excision. Therefore, you may report, for instance, 15200 (Full thickness graft, free, including direct closure of donor site, trunk; 20 sq cm or less). If you don't think the surgeon's documentation will support a code from 15920-15999, you could instead select a code from 11040-11044, such as 11040 (Debridement; skin, partial thickness).