Reader questions:
Arthroscopic to open means open code
Published on Mon Nov 02, 2009
Our surgeon attempted to remove a loose body in the ankle arthroscopically, but it was too large so he had to perform an open removal. Do I bill only for the open procedure, or include the arthroscopic attempt as a discontinued procedure? Utah Subscriber
Because your surgeon completed the procedure as an open case, you'll report only 27620 (
Arthrotomy, ankle, with joint exploration, with or without biopsy, with or without removal of loose or foreign body) Include V64.43 (
Arthroscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure) as a secondary diagnosis.
Arthroscopic answer:
If the physician had completed the procedure arthroscopically, you would submit 29894 (
Arthroscopy, ankle, [tibiotalar and fibulotalar joints], surgical; with removal of loose body or foreign body) instead.