Orthopedic Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Modifier -58 Signals 2 Reductions

Question: I attempted to reduce a dislocated hip in the emergency department, but the procedure failed. The next day I took the patient to the operating room and reduced the dislocation successfully. Should I report the reduction codes for both dates?

Kansas Subscriber

Answer:  Yes, you should report the reduction codes for both dates, but you should append modifier -58 (Staged or related procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative period) to the code representing the second attempt.
If, for example, the orthopedist attempted a closed reduction without anesthesia in the emergency room and the next day performed a successful closed reduction with anesthesia in the operating room, you should report 27250 (Closed treatment of hip dislocation, traumatic; without anesthesia) on the first date and 27252-58 (... requiring anesthesia) on the second date.

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