Overcome Shoulder Challenges By Learning Differences
Published on Sat Feb 27, 2010
Keep this list handy to distinguish problems and assign diagnoses.The shoulder injuries your orthopedist treats can range from unexplained pain on movement to complicated tears and dislocations. If you have trouble distinguishing some of the less serious shoulder conditions, keep this list handy the next time you're assigning a diagnosis.Frequent Reaching Can Contribute to ImpingementWhen the patient's shoulder tendon or bursa becomes pinched or compressed, you're looking at shoulder impingement syndrome. Also known as rotator cuff impingement, you'll report diagnosis 726.10 (Disorders of bursae and tendons in shoulder region, unspecified).Impingement is common in athletes who perform activities that involve frequent reaching over the head, such as swimming or playing tennis.Similar, but different: Bursitis and tendinitis are related to shoulder impingement syndrome, and the conditions can occur together.Inflamed Tendon or Cuff Leads to TendinitisWhen your orthopedist diagnoses tendinitis of the shoulder, the patient's rotator cuff and/or biceps tendon are inflamed, which [...]