The edit will be revoked retroactively One of the most troublesome Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits is finally going away. Look to future issues of Orthopedic Coding Alert to keep you up-to-date on additional CCI edits that may affect your practice.
CCI version 13.3, which takes effect Oct. 1, will delete an edit that made cervical discectomy code 63075 mutually exclusive with cervical arthroplasty code 0090T. This edit took effect last April and spelled a huge reimbursement shortfall for surgeons who could no longer bill for arthroplasty.
Memphis-based spinal technology manufacturer Medtronic launched a protest and convinced Medicare to revoke this edit, retroactive to its beginning in April.
Take action: If you received any denials due to this edit, you can resubmit the claims to your carrier after Oct. 1, according to a letter from Correct Coding Solutions, which organizes CCI.