Orthopedic Coding Alert

Let This Tool Guide You When You Encounter Acronyms

 If your surgeon's notes puzzle you, check this chart to decipher them

 We polled our experts and established a list of the most frequently documented abbreviations and acronyms that orthopedic coders encounter. You can decipher your surgeon's notes a little easier if you use this listing of abbreviations and their meanings.

Acronym     Definition

AC   Acromioclavicular joint

ACDF  Anterior cervical diskectomy with fusion

ACI   Autologous chondrocyte implantation

ACL   Anterior cruciate ligament

ADL   Activities of daily living

AVN   Avascular necrosis

AP    Anterior posterior, or Anteroposterior

APB   Abductor pollicis brevis

APL   Abductor pollicis longus

ASD or ASAD Arthroscopic sub-acromial decompression

ASIS   Anterior superior iliac spine

ATL   Achilles tendon lengthening

BKA   Below-knee amputation

BR    Brachioradialis

BTB   Bone tendon bone autograft

CC    Chief complaint, or Costochondral

CMC   Carpometacarpal

CP   Chondromalacia patellae, or Cerebral palsy

CRPS  Complex regional pain syndrome

CS   Corticosteroid

CSF  Cerebrospinal fluid

C-spine  Cervical spine

CT   Computed tomography

CTR  Carpal tunnel release

CTS  Carpal tunnel syndrome

DDH  Developmental dysplasia of hip

DIP  Distal interphalangeal

DISH Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis

DR          Dorsal root

DRUJ Distal radio-ulnar joint

DVT Deep vein thrombosis

Dx  Diagnosis

DEXA Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry

ECRB Extensor carpi radialis brevis

ECRL Extensor carpi radialis longus

ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris

EDC Extensor digitorum communis

EMG Electromyography

EPL Extensor pollicis longus

EPO Erythropoietin

Ex-Fix External fixation device

FB  Foreign body

FCR Flexor carpi radialis

FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris

FDP Flexor digitorum profundus

FDS Flexor digitorum superficialis

Fluoro Fluoroscopic guidance

FPL Flexor pollicis longus

Fx  Fracture

HC  Hydrocodone

HNP Herniated nucleus pulposus

IA  Intra-articular

ICS   Intercostal space

I&D  Incision and drainage, or Irrigation and debridement

IDET  Intradiscal electrothermal therapy

IM   Intramuscular, or Intramedullary

IP   Interphalangeal

ITB   Iliotibial band

ITT   Internal tibial torsion

LCL  Lateral collateral ligament

LR   Lateral release

LS  Lumbosacral

MCL Medial collateral ligament

MCP Metacarpophalangeal

MIS Minimally invasive surgery

MMR Medial meniscal repair

MMT Medial meniscal tear

MRI Magnetic resonance imaging

MTP Metatarsophalangeal

NCCI National Correct Coding Initiative

NCS Nerve conduction study

NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

OA  Osteoarthritis

OATS Osteochondral autograft transfer system

OCD Osteochondritis dissecans 

OM  Osteomyelitis

ORIF Open reduction internal fixation

OT  Occupational therapy

PCL Posterior cruciate ligament

PF  Patello-femoral

PKR Partial knee replacement

PIP  Proximal interphalangeal

PLIF Posterior lumbar interbody fusion

PT  Physical therapy, or Patient

RA   Rheumatoid arthritis

RCL  Radial collateral ligament

RCR  Rotator cuff repair

RCT  Rotator cuff tear

RICE  Rest, ice, compression, elevation

RLD  Ruptured lumbar disk

RSD  Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

RU   Radioulnar

SAD  Subacromial decompression

SB   Spina bifida

SC   Sacrococcygeal

SF   Synovial fluid, or Spinal fluid

SI   Sacroiliac

SLAC  Scapholunate advanced collapse

SLAP  Superior labral anterior-posterior

STSG  Split thickness skin graft

SX   Surgery, or Symptoms 

TAL  Tendoachilles lengthening

THR  Total hip replacement

TLIF  Transverse lumbar interbody fusion

TMT  Tarsometatarsal

TKR  Total knee replacement

UKR  Unicondylar knee replacement

VA   Videoarthroscopy

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Orthopedic Coding Alert

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