… and remember that the codes are in effect before 2022.
Last month, we previewed the added, revised, and deleted ICD-10 codes that orthopedic practices should note in the 2022 version of the diagnosis code manual.
Remember, the new codes will go into effect on Oct. 1, 2021 — well before most coders can get their hands on an official ICD-10 2022 manual. That can make using the new codes challenging, especially in the first few months.
Help’s here: This month, we listed the new, revised and deleted codes for 2022. This month, we’re going to take a longer look at some of the additions, and how they’ll affect your diagnosis coding in 2022. We’ll also give a look into how the new codes will fit into their existing code families, and examine changes in verbiage to the new codes.
New Codes Focus on Expanding Existing Sets
One of the code groups that’s undergoing the most dramatic transformations is M35.0 (Sicca syndrome [Sjogren]) — and it’s a bit complicated. First, ICD-10 has changed the terminology for the entire code set, subbing “Sjogren syndrome” for “Sicca syndrome.” So, starting October 1, 2021, the descriptor will read: M35.0 (Sjogren syndrome).
Next, ICD-10 added a host of codes with the new verbiage to the M35.0 set.
End result: A greatly expanded code set, with the codes already in the set significantly revised.
The order might be different in the final publication, but under M35.0 in ICD-10 2022, the code list will look like this (new codes in bold/italic; revised codes in italic):
Shine a Spotlight on Spondylitis Set
ICD-10 2022 will also add a slew of new codes to the M45 (Ankylosing spondylitis) code set. Further, the set breaks spondyloarthritis into two separate types: non-radiographic axial and ankylosing.
End result: The order might be different in the final publication, but under the M45 in ICD-10 2022, the code list will look like this (new codes in bold):
Back Pain Gets Specific in 2022
ICD-10 2022 will also aim for greater specificity for patients with low back pain; the 2021 ICD-10 code book only lists a single code under M54.5 (Low back pain). In the latest ICD-10 manual, however, you’ll find this trio of new codes under M54.5:
Analysis: This provides greater specificity for patients with low back pain.