Got a Hip Replacement? Know What Services Are Bundled
Published on Sun Jan 16, 2011
You will often need to report a number of different additional procedures with hip replacement. The list is exhaustive. We list out the procedures here that are common in any practice and this may be a quick easy reference for you.Arthrotomy, with drainage, biopsy, or synovectomy, and removal of foreign body is inclusive in the code(s) for hip replacement. So are open tenotomy, osteotomy, manipulation of hip joint, acetabuloplasty, and craterization and saucerization. "Synovectomy, capsulectomy, removal of loose bodies, iliopsoas tenotomy, capsulotomy, excision of osteophytes, hip joint manipulation, arthrotomy, capsular repair/reconstruction, bone grafts are all bundled," says Ruby O'Brochta-Woodward, BSN, CPC, CCS-P, COSC, ACS-OR, compliance and research specialist, Twin Cities Orthopedics, P.A. "This is clearly outlined in the AAOS GSDG, as well as in CCI bundling edits and NCCI guidelines. Coders should review these guidelines for proper coding of all services," says Kristi Stumpf, MCS-P, CPC, COSC, ACS-OR, owner, Precision [...]