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Orthopedic Coding Alert
Orthopedic Coding Alert
Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 12
E/M Coding:
Use Updated Descriptor Info on Observation Coding
CPT® 2018 shifts language to end outpatient confusion on 99217, 99218-99220. Reporting y...
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E/M Coding:
Make Subsequent Observation Coding a Breeze with these Tips
Second day of observation? Look to 99224-99226. Though it is rare, your provider might el...
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Modifier Madness:
Keep these Tips Handy for 25, 59, 51 Encounters
Here's how many, but not all, payers now deal with 51 claims. When an orthopedic office p...
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Reader Question:
Seek Federal Guidance on IT Training
Question: I am the head of the coding department at a practice that has been under the sam...
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Reader Question:
Choosing the Correct NPI for Incident-to E/M
Question: An established Medicare patient with a plan of care in place to treat a chronic ...
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Reader Question:
Check Out How MPFS Final Rule Shook Out
Question: I know that Medicare usually releases its final rule on the Medicare physician f...
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You Be the Coder:
Leave Synovectomy Code Off Arthrotomy Claim
Question: My physician performed a right knee arthrotomy revision with a single-component ...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 11
Modifier Madness:
Keep Calm, Carry on Coding with these Tips
Remember, some modifiers are for E/Ms; others are for procedures. Orthopedic offices see ...
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Procedure Coding:
We Got Your Back: Use FAQ to Master Disc Decompression, Discography Coding
Remember, injection for discography is diagnostic, and a decompression is therapeutic. If...
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Inside the Notes:
Mind Each Payer's Preferences on Discography Claims
Remember to check with your payer for its approved ICD-10 list. When reporting discograph...
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Reader Question:
Keep RAC Targets on Your Compliance Radar
Question: I've been doing some reading about recovery audit contractors (RACs), and frankl...
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Reader Question:
Ensure Fracture Payment with Initiation Note
Question:One of our orthopedists performed a closed treatment of a clavicular fracture wit...
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You Be the Coder:
Making the New/Established Patient Decision
Question: What is the difference between a new and established patient when reporting eval...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 10
CPT® 2018:
Add-On Code Highlights New Manual Additions
CPT® includes new marrow aspiration code, revises observation codes. The CPT® 2018 manu...
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Payer's Policy Should Guide Your 27/57 Decision
Coding E/M-fracture care? You'll need one of these E/M modifiers. When your physician pro...
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Clip and Save:
Put New Aspiration Code in Its Place
Check out where 20939 will fit in CPT® 2018. In a perfect world, everyone would get a ne...
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Case Study Corner:
Use These Examples to Illustrate Modifier 25 in Action
Here's a look at a pair of common modifier 25 scenarios. Individual cases always vary, bu...
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Reader Question:
Postop E/M Might Require Modifier 24
Question: A patient developed a postoperative infection during the global period for ...
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Reader Question:
Check for these Elements, then Choose HPI Level
Question: What elements should we look for when selecting the history of present illn...
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Reader Question:
Try This Strategy for Iliopsoas Lengthening
Question: Our provider performed an arthroscopy with iliopsoas lengthening. We cannot...
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Reader Question:
Use these Tips to Sort Out CCI Indicator 1
Question: I was looking up Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits for 99221 and 99212,...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding for Ankle Fracture Surgery
Question: The orthopedic surgeon performs a closed reduction and percutaneous pinning...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 9
Get the Total Rundown on Knee Arthroplasties
Total knee replacement takes center stage with these codes. When your orthopedist perform...
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Check for Arthroplasty when You See Certain Dx Codes
Get to know arthritis codes; you'll use them often for arthroplasties. Have you ever wond...
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Dx Will Help You Draw a Bead on CTS Shot Coding
CTS diagnosis a must for some, but not all, payers on 20526. If you're not familiar with ...
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Clip and Save:
Knowing Drug Amount Helps You Maximize CTS Shot Claims
Remember, not all CTS injections involve the same drug. Be sure to pay careful attention ...
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Reader Question:
Keep These Achilles Coding Tips in Your Hip Pocket
Question: Operative notes indicate that the provider repaired a patient's Achilles te...
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Reader Question:
Choose Osteoporosis Dx Based on Fracture History
Question: The orthopedist performs a level-three evaluation and management (E/M) serv...
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You Be the Coder:
Put Effusion Confusion to Rest
Question: During the course of a level-four evaluation and management (E/M) service f...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 8
ICD-10 2018:
New Diagnosis Codes Expand Spinal Stenosis Set
Experts: Make sure providers and coders are on the same page for successful transition. S...
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News You Can Use:
Feds Propose (Slight) Conversion Factor Increase
If this proposal sticks, 2018 reimbursement rate won’t rise much. The Centers for M...
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Payer Set to Slash Some Modifier 25 Pay
Experts: New policy ‘absurd,’ ‘awful.’ Orthopedists typically use...
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Reader Question:
Alert Patient to Payment Issues with ABN
Question: A Medicare patient requested an ankle x-ray quite insistently, but it appea...
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Reader Question:
Heed Locum Tenens Guidelines for 'Substitute' Provider
Question: One of our physicians is going on vacation next month, and we are hiring a ...
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Reader Question:
Get Specific with Limb Pain Dx
Question: A patient reports for treatment of limb pain. What steps should I take to a...
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Reader Question:
Use this Guide for Jones Fracture Dx
Question: In the medical documentation, the provider diagnosed the patient with a Jon...
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Reader Question:
Report Cast Application when You Spot Physician Involvement
Question: Our physician recently saw a patient who reported to our practice with comp...
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You Be the Coder:
'Buddy Taping' and CPT® Coding
Question: An established patient reported to our office limping badly after falling o...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 7
Debunking Myths About Causes of Hip Surgery Can Maximize Reimbursements
Key: Append modifier 78 if infection occurs during global period of firstprocedure. The c...
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Find Out the Best Ways to Use EHRs When Coding
Key: EHRs do not track physical examinations. Among the many data tools available to your...
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Answers to Your Benchmarking Questions Can Improve Your Practice's Operations
Monthly benchmarking means your practice can observe granular trends more easily. A good ...
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Reader Question:
Knowing the Site of Injection Changes Your Code
Question: The surgeon treated a patient with De Quervain's tendinitis. So after an in...
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Reader Question:
A Sequestrectomy Involves More than an Extraction
Question: For a patient with of chronic osteomyelitis in their shoulder, my orthopedi...
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Reader Question:
Complex Sports Injury Codes Can Be Made Easy
Question: The surgeon repaired a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and a torn med...
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Reader Question:
Each Metatarsal Fractures Requires a Distinct Service
Question: A patient came in with a Lisfranc fracture in their left foot so the orthop...
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You Be the Coder:
You Can Maximize Cast Codes With the Right Know How
Question: I had no trouble coding for an ostectomy for a calcaneus spur, but I’...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 6
5 Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Coding PCL Sprains
Key: Understanding 6th and 7th characters leads to fewer denials. As an overlooked but da...
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Revive Your Rotator Cuff Coding By Following These Steps
Key: Knowing the level of trauma will affect what code you use. With so many moving parts...
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Follow These Dos and Don'ts of Using Modifier 78
Master similar modifiers to avoid confusion. Modifiers are important additions to your co...
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Reader Question:
The MRI Isn't Always Right
Question: An orthopedic surgeon states in the operative report that he did both a med...
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Reader Question:
How to Tell When to Use 77002 and 76000
Question: In the reconstructive surgeon’s office “office where I work, I ...
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Reader Question:
Learn About A Less Common 7th Character
Question: I use the code S82.821 to report a torus fracture. The patient in question ...
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You Be the Coder:
Choosing a Modifier Depends on Anesthesia
Question: A knee arthroscopy was stopped early because the patient had an unanticipat...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 5
3 Elements To Ethically Maximize Your Bottom Line for Traumatic Hip Dislocation Procedures
If you miss the difference between 27250 and 27252, you could miss out on almost $600. Be...
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'Tis the Season for Biking Accidents: Common Ailments and How to Code for Them
Here are three tips for reporting Lisfranc injuries. The sun is out. People are on the si...
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3 Myths Will Neutralize Your 99211 Mistakes Before They Happen
Hint: You can use 99211 for physicians. Although you’re savvy when it comes to repo...
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Reader Question:
Check Extent of Erosion in Tumor Excision
Question: Our surgeon did a planned release of an A-1 pulley with excision mass over ...
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Reader Question:
Do Not Treat Accessory Soleus as Soft Tissue Tumor
Question: How do we code for excision of accessory soleus muscle in leg? Can we repor...
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Reader Question:
Look At Global Period For Repeat Drainage Of Finger Abscess
Question: For a patient who reported back to the ED for a wound check following drain...
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You Be the Coder:
Compare Extensive Versus Limited Debridement
Question: I’m not sure if I should use the extensive debridement code or the li...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 4
Prepare Yourself for Orthopedic Quality Reporting With These FAQs
Embrace MIPS as PQRS wanes. If you think that the expiring Physician Quality Reporting Sy...
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Highlight These 21 Quality Measures for Your Orthopedic Practice
Make sure your orthopedic practice continues to get the pay you deserve for Medicare benef...
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3 Scenarios Will Hone Your Post-Op Infection Coding
Hint: Look to global period and modifiers for your solutions. You could be sabotaging you...
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Reader Question:
Navigate Modifiers 78 and 79 With This Advice
Question: Recently, a patient came to our office for a follow up after he had an arth...
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Reader Question:
Determine if 20550 Includes Ultrasound Guidance
Question: My doctor conducted an aspiration of a cyst in the back of the right knee u...
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Reader Question:
Looking to Code Injection on the Piriformis With Fluoro? Your Answer is Here
Question: There is some disagreement between my provider and I. For an injection of t...
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You Be the Coder:
Discover What Constitutes "Total" With Knee Replacements
Question: My provider conducted an orthopedic surgery on a patient’s knee that ...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 3
CPT® 2017:
Have You Noticed a Difference to Your Bottom Line? Blame These Percutaneous Spinal Procedure Revisions
You should be separately billing for moderate sedation with percutaneous vertebral procedu...
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Separate Procedures:
2 Examples Sharpen Your Separate Procedure Claims
CCI is an important tool when you are not sure about a bundle. You shouldn’t assume...
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Always Ace Coding for Your E/M Telemedicine Services
Don’t forget POS code 02 on your telemedicine claims. With CPT® 2017, you&rsquo...
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3 Tips Analyze Your ASC Coding Rules
Here’s how to properly use modifier SG. Suppose you bill Medicare when your surgeon...
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Reader Question:
Beware Modifier 'Solutions'
Question: When we see a claims denial in our practice, some of our staff is quick to ...
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Reader Question:
Arrange Follow-Up with Original Surgeon
Question: We have taken over post operative care on a patient who had surgery from an...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Out Whether Unlisted-Procedure Codes Have Global Days
Question: I was wondering, does Medicare assign a global period for unlisted-procedur...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 2
Solve 3 Scenarios to Hoist Your Total Hip Replacement Coding to Success
Overlooking the underlying cause can put your bottom line in jeopardy. Infections or disl...
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Note re -22 Modifier for Unusual Procedural Services: A –22 Modifier was added for U...
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Seize the Reimbursement You Deserve For Shoulder Sequestrectomy
Find out if you need to report a code for removing a soft tissue abscess. Although the te...
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Add-On Codes:
Bust These 3 Myths Before Applying Add-on Codes
You can report some add-on codes more than once. If you’re relying on modifier 51 e...
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Reader Question:
How to Code Both Meniscal, Articular Knee Shavings
Question: My orthopedist performed the following knee procedure: “Examination ...
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Reader Question:
Only Report 23480 When Osteotomy Is Documented
Question: Our surgeon did an open repair and internal fixation with Vitoss bone graft...
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Reader Question:
Strike Off 77003 for Fluoroscopy with Epidural Injections in 2017
Question: How can we report fluoroscopic guidance with epidural injections in 2017? W...
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You Be the Coder:
Tendon Rupture Path May Support Distinct Procedure
Question: Our surgeon repaired a bimalleolar fracture and the posterior tibial tendon...
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Orthopedic Coding Alert - 2017; Volume 20, Number 1
Boost Your Bottom Line By Knowing How to Use Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty Add-On Codes
Hint: Whether levels are contiguous or not, report only one primary procedure. Although v...
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Straining to Find a Neck Sprain Code? Here are Your Options
Watch out: Careful of what seventh character you apply. Neck sprain means that the patien...
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E/M Coding:
Do You Know When You Can Use Prolonged-Service Codes? Find Out
Key: Count only face-to-face time and document necessity. When your physician performs an...
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Reader Question:
Document '3-Rs' for Consultation E/M
Question: Is it true that we can never code for E/M “consultations?” Cod...
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Reader Question:
Underline These Allograft, Autograft Terms
Question: What’s the difference between a spinal allograft and an autograft? O...
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You Be the Coder:
Find Out When You Can Bill 29540
Question: Can we report 29540 for strapping with other procedures, such as fracture c...
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Available Years: