Question: Our optometrist saw a glaucoma patient and performed a gonioscopy. The optometrist also took slit lamp photographs to document an iris nevus during the same session. Can we report the procedures separately?
Kentucky Subscriber
Answer: Normally, you cannot report a gonioscopy and slit lamp photographs together because Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits forbid it. On the other hand, you can report the two services separately using modifier 59 (Distinct procedural service) and separate diagnosis codes in certain circumstances. Because the optometrist performed the gonioscopy and the slit lamp photos for different reasons, you can report both procedures:
Why? The modifier tells the insurance carrier that the iris nevus and gonioscopy were separate procedures, not components of one another. Because 92020 appears in column 2 of the CCI edits, append the modifier to that code and not 92285, which is the column 1 code.