Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert

Watch for Red Flags for Complex Cataract Procedures

These factors may complicate extractions, but they're not enough for 66982

A statement from the American Academy of Ophthalmology lists several procedures or complications that CMS does not consider as qualifications for 66982.

Do not automatically report 66982 for a cataract extraction just because the procedure involves:


  •  Vitrectomy required during surgery

  •  Posterior capsule tear

  •  Piggyback IOL

  •  Trabeculectomy

  •  Loose zonules

  •  Intraocular bleeding

  •  Vitreous prolapse

  •  Dislocated IOL in the bag

  •  Extracapsular spontaneous expulsion

  •  Wound leak or burn.

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