Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert

Turn to This Chart for Quick Lesion Excision Code Help

Keep this tool handy when checking your physician's documentation

Coding eyelid lesion excisions doesn't have to be complicated. With this chart created by Mary Cremers, CPC, education and compliance specialist for HealthPartners Eye Care Department in St. Paul, Minn., you can quickly glance to ensure you're in the right ballpark when coding each case.

Codes for eyelid lesion removal including more than skin:

• 67800 -- Excision of chalazion; single

• 67801 -- Excision of chalazion; multiple, same lid

• 67805 -- Excision of chalazion; multiple, different lids

• 67808 -- Excision of chalazion; under general anesthesia and/or requiring hospitalization, single or multiple

• 67810 -- Biopsy of eyelid (The physician excises a small amount of tissue from the suspect portion of the eyelid)

• 67840 -- Excision of lesion of eyelid (except chalazion) without closure or with simple direct closure

• 67850 -- Destruction of lesion of lid margin (up to 1 cm)

• 68020 -- Incision of conjunctiva, drainage of cyst

• 68100 -- Biopsy of conjunctiva

• 68110 -- Excision of lesion, conjunctiva; up to 1 cm

• 68115 -- Excision of lesion, conjunctiva; over 1 cm

• 68130 -- Excision of lesion, conjunctiva; with adjacent sclera

• 68135 -- Destruction of lesion, conjunctiva

For eyelid lesion removal involving mainly eyelid skin, use lesion removal codes 11310-11313, 11440-11446, 11640-11646, 17000-17004, based on the following:

• Benign (114xx)

• Malignant (116xx)

• Skin tags (11200 ...quot; up to 15; and 11201 ...quot; more than 15)

Tip: If you don't want to cut the chart out, you can access it quickly using our searchable Online Subscription System (OSS) at www.codinginstitute.com. If you haven't already signed up for this great free service, contact customer service at (800) 508-2582 or service@medville.com.

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