Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Add Modifier 52 for Unilateral VF

Question: I'm confused about coding for visual fields (VF). The code description says "unilateral or bilateral." Would the coding and modifiers for a VF done on one eye be different for a VF done on both?

Mississippi Subscriber

Answer: Although the CPT definition for 92081-92083 (Visual field examination, unilateral or bilateral, with interpretation and report ...) seems to cover both bases, Medicare views visual field tests as inherently bilateral -- the ophthalmologist usually performs the procedure on both eyes.

For a bilateral VF test, do not append any modifiers. The payment from Medicare will reflect the work performed on both eyes.

If the ophthalmologist performed a VF test on only one eye, append modifier 52 (Reduced services) to 9208x. Because modifier 52 is an informational modifier, it should not reduce your payment, but it will give the payer more clinical information.

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