Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Postsuture Removal

Question: Although all coding seminars state that postsuture removal is covered in the procedure, I cant find the actual documentation to support this. Our office policies require a reference. Where can I find the reference for coding postsuture removal?.

South Carolina Subscriber

Answer: The Medicare Carriers Manual (MCM) says that the global surgical package includes local incisional care and removal of cutaneous sutures and staples. Although ocular sutures are not specifically referenced, this section is used by Medicare carriers to support including suture removal in the global package post-op period. There isnt a CPT code for suture removal, so refer the physicians to the MCM.

If the patient is seen for a reason unrelated to the surgery, file an evaluation and management (E/M) code with the -24 (unrelated evaluation and management service by the same physician during a postoperative period) modifier attached and a different diagnosis. (Some readers may recall that there was once a HCPCS T code for suture removal. It was deleted when Health Care Financing Administration decided suture removal should be included in global packages.)

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