Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Get to Know ‘Aura’ Specifics

Question: We saw a patient for a migraine recently and she was seeing flashes during it. Does this count as an “aura” in terms of ICD-10 coding?

New Hampshire Subscriber

Answer: When a patient experiences aura with migraine, you can report G43.1- (Migraine with aura) if the patient is experiencing specific nervous system symptoms that occur or begin approximately five to 20 minutes prior to the onset of the headache. These symptoms can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Blind spots within the patient’s visual field
  • Seeing a “zigzag” pattern
  • Blindness affecting half the patient’s visual field in either both or one eye
  • Experiencing visual hallucinations
  • Seeing flashing lights
  • Feeling pins and needles sensation in arms or legs
  • Difficulty speaking

These visual disturbances are the most common form of aura, but this list shows there are other ways a migraine aura can manifest itself.

When considering migraine diagnoses, look for notes indicating visual disturbances, like seeing patterns or lights or losing vision, tunnel vision, etc.