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CMS Revises 2010 Conversion Factor With New Communique
Published on Fri Nov 27, 2009
Meanwhile, the Senate is poised to vote on a proposed permanent fix. If you thought the 2010 conversion factor of $28.4061 for ophthalmic procedures was bad, the latest news will hurt even worse. The $28.4061 factor (see "Prepare for $89 Drop in Cataract Reimbursement Next Year," Ophthalmology Coding Alert, Vol. 12, No. 9) was printed by CMS in error, and the actual new conversion factor, effective Jan. 1 unless Congress intervenes, is lower than that. CMS has posted a corrected 2010 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule on its Web site. "The conversion factor for CY 2010 is $28.3895 instead of $28.4061 as previously indicated in the final rule," indicates a notification from Part B MAC NHIC. "A correction notice will be published in the Federal Register." In addition, the revised fee schedule includes corrections to the relative value units (RVUs) for codes 99221-99223 (Initial hospital care, per day, for the evaluation and [...]