Ensure you know what qualifies as an EO, and go beyond routine coding. Most eye exams include some form of ophthalmoscopy, but payers often bundle this service into the general ophthalmic exam, or E/M codes So how do you know when the exam warrants an extended ophthalmoscopy (EO) code? You'll have to provide more detailed documentation and drawings to prove medical necessity and support code assignment for the more complicated service. Read on to make sure you're not missing out on EOs you could rightfully report. Know When Underlying Problems Can Take Coding to the Next Level Any general ophthalmic examination will include a routine ophthalmoscopy. But an extended ophthalmoscopy is a special ophthalmologic service that goes beyond the general eye exam. Caution: When an initial exam uncovers a serious retinal problem, retinal specialists then turn to extended ophthalmoscopy (92225, Ophthalmoscopy, extended, with retinal drawing, with interpretation and report; initial; and 92226, ... subsequent) for a more detailed examination. Consider this example: On this claim, report the following: Make EO Documentation Show Exam Reason For an initial extended ophthalmoscopy exam, use 92225-RT, and for all subsequent exams of the right eye, use 92226-RT, as the code descriptors indicate. While standard documentation will be sufficient for your routine ophthalmoscopy claims, you'll need more notes to back up your EO claims. EO is a detailed, extra, separate procedure requiring additional documentation with interpretation and report. Tip: Also include a drawing of the area on the fundus in question (like the disc). A detailed and labeled color drawing, using standard colors, would be best, but it is not required by every carrier, notes Maggie M. Mac, CPC, CEMC, CHC, CMM, ICCE, Director of Best Practices-Network Operations at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Some payers may also require a specific size of the drawing (e.g., four inches). If you have any documentation concerns on your EO claims, check your local and/or national payer guidelines or call the payer before filing a claim. Bill Bilaterally Based on Carrier While you're unable to report most of the other ophthalmic testing codes in the 92xxx series bilaterally, you can report 92225 and 92226 for each eye -- if there is a medically necessary reason. EO is a unilateral procedure. Although CPT doesn't specifically describe the procedure as unilateral in the code descriptor, most insurers follow Medicare's lead. You can find the bilateral surgery indicators in the fee schedule, says Sylvia Conrad, insurance coordinator with Your Eye Solution in Jacksonville, Fla. Check column Z of the database, marked "Bilat Surg." The fee schedule assigns 92225 a bilateral surgery indicator of "3," which means that Medicare has set the relative value units (RVUs) for extended ophthalmoscopy based on the ophthalmologist performing the procedure unilaterally. If there is a problem with both eyes, you can report the service for both eyes. Depending on insurer preference, report bilateral EOs with either: Prove it: You must report ICD-9 codes showing medical necessity in each eye you performed EO on. Consult your carriers' local coverage determinations for diagnosis codes that support medical necessity. Don't Rule Out Other Services There are many times when you have to shy away from reporting more than one service during an encounter. When both services are medically necessary, however, you can report an extended ophthalmoscopy on the same day as a minor procedure or other service. CPT classifies extended ophthalmoscopies as special ophthalmologic services. According to CPT 2010, these special ophthalmologic services may be reported in addition to general ophthalmologic services or E/M codes. Often the extended ophthalmoscopy is what determines if a minor or major procedure is necessary. You can therefore report 92225 and 92226 within the global period of another procedure as well, if the documentation supports medical necessity. Consider this example: In this instance, you should report the EO codes and fundus photos. On the claim, include the following along with your EO codes: Append or skip modifier 25?