Ophthalmology and Optometry Coding Alert

CORRECTION ~ List 67038 Before 67108

Our September 2006 issue included an error in the You Be the Coder answer "Tractional Retinal Detachment." The answer read: "Because 67108 (37.78 RVUs) is valued higher than 67038 (36.27 RVUs), report it on the first line of your CMS-1500 form or the electronic equivalent. Some carriers may expect you to append modifier 51 (Multiple procedures) to 67038. Your coding should look like this:

Line 1: 67108
Line 2: 67038-51."

The 2006 fee schedule actually assigns 37.78 RVUs to 67038 and assigns 36.27 to 67108. So coders should list 67038 first and 67108-51 second.

Thanks to subscriber Debra Duran for catching the error.

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